65. Im Going To Take A Rain Check Player

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"Well ignoring them didnt help," Jane said. Why? I ask. "Because here they come," She said as the got to the table. "Why Matthew why on earth are you here in Maine?" Mary ask. To visit, I said. "Very well, well I'll let you get back to your visit," She said. Thanks, I said.



















Make sure he doesn't find out about us trying to take some money from the back, Sadly we couldnt because he had taken it all out. I said. "Okay," James said. Then Matt walk up to us. "Oh and Mary the next time you try taking my money out of the bank will be the last time you sleep in your house, got it," He said. My house? I ask acting like I didnt know what he was talking about. "I'm not stupid Mary, my father owns your house. oh wait now I do," He said. I took a deep swollow. "See you know what I was talking about, Have a good day," He said. I sighed and look at James. "Guess he's not as stupid as we thought," James said. Shut up and come on, I said.


















We finished eating And then headed over to my old house. "Its so big," She said. Yeah another reason why Im glad we moved, I said. We walk in the house it gave me a chill to be there again. We walk to the 5th floor. "So why did she hide this in the floor and why didnt she not take it with her when she moved?" Jane ask. She didnt want my father to find any of it, I said. I got the chest he wasnt big, it was pretty small. I put it in my back pack and we left. "So how are you going to get that to go threw bag checking without them opening it?" Jane ask. Well I have got a private Jet taking us back home, It just wont be here until 7 so I dont have to worry about all that, I said. "You always have a plan for everything," She said with a smile. I laughed.

Since we arent going to get back until late do you want to just go back to my house and stay the night and then go home later that day? I ask. "Um yeah sure," She said. Okay, I said. The day went on and it was hot so we stop for ice cream. Okay you have to try this, I said. "What did you get again?" She ask. I cant tell you or you wont try it, I said. "I dont know," She said smiling. Please, Just try it, it's good, I promise, I said. "Okay," She said as she took a bite. Well? I ask. "It's not good but it's not bad eather, What was it?" She ask. Your gonna hate me because I know you dont like it, I said. "No I wont what was it?" She ask. Egg nog, I said "Oh gross Matthew," She said. I laughed. "Well it wasnt to bad to be egg nog," She said. I laughed.

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