Let's call it...your room

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So so sorry it's been a long time! I've been grounded... :(

When we got to Italy the Volturi took me to their castle.

“Now, dear Sacha,Felix will...,” Aro started, but Caius interuppted (SP?) him.

“Actually brother, I would like to do that.I wish to..speak with her.”

“...Very well,” Aro agreed hesitantly, as if he didn't trust Caius. The blonde male vampire nodded and started to walk in a human pace, and I fallowed. Once we we far enough from the others and going down many stairs, Caius stopped and grabbed ahold of me in a bruising grip.

“Now you listen here. Just because Aro has taken a liking to you, dosen't meen you can do what ever it is you want. You will have chores, speak only when spoken to,and obay every order. Understood?”

“Y-yes, s-sir,” Oh my god, did I just stutter? I NEVER stutter! Caius smirked and let go of me with one hand. His right hand still on my arm. Then, I felt as if I was flying. The next moment we were in a dark and low part of the castle and standing in front of a thick wooden door.

“What's this?” I ask. This couldn't be-”

“Let's call it...your room.”

Caius proceded to open the door, push me in, and shut and lock the prison cell door. The room was tiny, just enough room for the small cot in the far left corner of the room, and some small walking room. The stone floor was cold and dirty, the walls weren't much better. The room was completely dark, and I supposed That I should probably just sleep until they came and got me. So that's what I did, I slept.

The next few weeks flew by and in that time, Aro had gotten me a new room, though not much better or bigger, but it was a little cleaner and it had a small window. Caius would through a hissy fit if Aro had gotten me a real room.

I did little odds and ends around the castle, but there wasn't really much for me to do. Dora and Sulpicia had gotten me a dress that I had to wear around the castle as well. It actually resembled Belle's from beauty and the beast. It was light blue with a white apron and long sleeved shirt.I wore black flats with it. 

One day I was finished with the little chores I had, and decided to go to the library. So I went and started going through the masses of books. What I didn't notice was that Aro, the man I despised and liked a little, was sitting in a large brown leather chair by the fireplace, reading. Or well, he was reading until I came in. I looked at the books and spied one on one of the top shelves and I looked around for a latter, but there wasn't one. I went over to a near by table and pulled out a wooden chair and placed it in the place I needed it. I then proceeded to climb up onto the chair and reached for the book. 

However, I was to short, so I had to go on my tipsy toes to reach it. My fingers just barley brushed the spine of the blue/green book labeled Pollyanna, when the chair tipped over and I flew out of it. I braced myself for the the pain of hitting the thinly carpeted stone floor, however I landed on something soft, but firm. I opened my eyes and was met by the concerned red eyes of Aro. 

"Thank you,'' I whispered. He slowly set me down and silently stared at me.  He slowly turned on his heel and walked back to his chair. I walked up to him and peered at the book he was reading. It was a brown leather book and had no title. "What are you reading?" I ask. 

"Something to help me forget."

"Forget about what?" He paused a moment before answering with a wide grin.

"Well, I guess it worked!" We both giggle and then go back to silence. He stared at me silently for a moment before he suddenly grew angry. He stood up and grabbed my shoulders in a painful grip. I winced in pain."What are you doing to me?! Are you a witch or something? What SPELL have you placed upon me? What curse?! How do I break it?" He shouted at me. 

"I don't know what you're talking about! Ow! Stop it, you're hurting me!" Even though I was in physical pain, he looked like he was in agony. His eyes were wide and glaring at me, his teeth were barred, he let go of me and clenched his fists. 

"Go!" He ordered. 


"GO!!" For the first time, I was actually scared. So I did as I was told and I ran out of the library. I ran passed Sulpicia and Dora on the way, but didn't pay them any heed. I just ran. I kinda felt like Forest Gump saying that I just ran. I ran all the way back to my room and slammed the door behind me. I collapse on my cot and sob. I have no idea why I was crying, because I never cry, but I was sobbing my heart out. Was I getting weak staying here?

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