Pyranite+Other Messages from your fellow Hypocrite :3

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So first off, here's another Permafrost OC called "Pyranite"

Now Pyranite is not her real name :P She just calls herself that because A) She feels her name is stupid, B) She feels it's her duty as being the daughter of a the General (equivalent to an Emperor of the Pyranite society) that she should be called by her species name, and C) because her friends joke around on how she is the literal version of a stereotypical Pyranite, especially when she's out of her nest.

So obviously, she always has this scowl. Everywhere.

If Funi's optimism would have a counter balance, it be her pessimism. Shes always scowling, always reminding people of their mistakes, and is rather a hothead (literal too when she decides to pull off her magic)

Al'ice would like to remind you that the only time she ever saw "Pyranite" happy was when... uh.... Actually she doesn't remember when.

And now into our daily hypocritical messages.

Like sincerely. I hate it when I decide to pull off a 'I won't answer' for around two weeks with no apparent reason, but my problem is that at first it's because I couldn't reply, then it becomes laziness, then I feel guilt of not answering.

However I feel this isn't a legit reason of my to do it... So Im sincerely sorry to all those whom I pull it off at, but I can not promise you that I will not do it again...

Habits die really hard they say...

And I'll say one more thing.

Like for real, for those who Im actually not lazy talking with, Dont just drop off the conversation just to list me your illnesses, because what do you expect from me to do? Like sincerely what, because I can't do anything! I don't even know you IRL, so it's not like I could give you something to help you with!

So if I come off blunt in my response, it's because I got no clue what to tell you.

And peeps, if you see me pull it off t you, just tell me to go home so that I know yyou're telling me that Im being a whiner bitch MK?

And again, Im really sorry at putting off messages! Im just too lazy to even respond to them! I feel so much of a bitch right now *goes on the ground and bows in apology*

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