Chapter 5

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            In Biology the next day, our teacher, Mr. White, decided to make us do a project in pairs. As he came to our table to give us the worksheet, he paused for a moment. “Blake, you don’t have to do this assignment.”

            I frowned up at him. “Why not?”

            Mr. White looked at me in surprise. “Um, well, because of his disability, I don’t want to have to pair him up with someone.”

            Annoyance lit my eyes. “You don’t have to pair him with anyone. I’m his partner.”

            “Hailey, what are you doing?” Blake asked quietly.

            “I don’t think it’s fair that you get exempted from doing this project, especially because I’m going to partner up with you. Besides, if you aren’t my partner, then I have to do the whole thing by myself.”

            Mr. White cleared his throat. “Well, in that case, you can do the project together.” And with that, he hurried off to finish handing out the papers.

            Blake was giving me an annoyed look. “Why’d you do that? Now I actually have to do something in this class.”

            I grinned mischievously. “I know. It’s not fair if you get to sit around and do nothing while I slave away doing all the work.”

            I couldn’t be sure, but I think he rolled his eyes at me. “I think being friends with you is going to be more effort then it’s worth.”

            I gasped in mock indignation. “I resent that! I’m an awesome friend. You just need to learn to suck it up and realize that I won’t let you get away with anything.”

            He grumbled under his breath, but I knew he was actually slightly amused because the corners of his mouth turned up a little. We spent the rest of the class coming up with a game plan. We decided to do any after school work at his place, as he had equipment to help him out.

            When the bell rang, I stood up and gathered my books, shoving them into my bag. I turned to Blake. “So, where are we going?”

            He stood up as well and slung his bag over one shoulder. “I have English next, in room 205.”

            “Alright, let’s do this then.” I walked over to the other side of the table and slid my arm through his. Without waiting for his reaction, I headed out of the room, tugging him along with me. “So I have a question for you.”

            “Why am I not surprised?”

            “Don’t be so cranky. I just wanted to know why you agreed to me helping you so easily?”

            He shrugged. “I don’t like being a burden to Sophie. She already has to take me too all of my other classes and help me at lunch. As you may have noticed, no one really talks to me, and therefore they don’t really talk to Sophie. This arrangement gives her a bit more freedom.”

            A smile spread over my lips. “Aw, you do have a heart! But don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”

            He shook his head. “You really are strange.”

            “You won’t hear me denying it.” We walked down the hallway, with me maneuvering him around people. It wasn’t as difficult as I thought, considering people moved away and stared at us as we passed. I stretched up a little so my lips were closer to Blake’s ear. “Everyone is staring at us again. I feel like I should start waving to everyone or something.”

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