Best friend.

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We both pulled away and looked at each other, I couldn't believe what just happened...

"I'm sorry." Ross sighed, I quickly stood up and ran down stairs. Why an I running away? I couldn't help it, I ran through the living room only to get stopped by Rydel.

"hey you wanna have a girls sleep over tonight with Kelly and I?" she asked me.

"Sky! Skylar! wait!" Ross yelled as he ran down the steps.

"uh... m-maybe another night." I stuttered and ran out of the Lynch's house, I kept running down the road.

"Skylar!" Ross shouted, he sounded close behind me. When I saw my house coming into view I ran faster and got to the door. I rummaged through my pocket for a second and found the key, I put it in the slot and turned it quickly opening the door. I quickly slammed it shut and locked it, Why don't I just talk to him. I ran up to my room and locked that door as well, I slowly opened my balcony door and stepped out hoping Ross wasn't around. I looked down on the ground and no one was around, thank god! I sighed and leaned up against the railing then slid down it so I was sitting on the floor, I put my hands over my face and began to cry. Why did I kiss him back? I just ruined our entire friendship! I began thinking of what could happen if we could be a thing and ended up falling asleep. 

I jerked awake hearing a crash down stairs, I looked up seeing the stars and that I was still outside. I heard another loud crash so I stood up and walked into my house, I slowly opened my door and slid out then quietly walked down the stairs. I heard heavy foot steps in my kitchen so I peeked around the wall to see a tall, muscular man. He was wearing a black hoodie with the hood draped over his eyes, his jeans were a dark blue and torn a little on the seam. He wore black steal toe boots an with every step he took it seemed to echo around my kitchen, he turned slightly just so I could get a glimpse of his face. I gasped and ducked back behind the wall, It can't be! Why would he be here? what would he want? I heard the foot steps coming my way, what do I do? Where do I go? Before he could turn the corner I darted up the steps and into my room shutting the door quietly and locking it. I ran to my bed and grabbed my phone, I quickly dialed his number and pressed talk. It began ringing while the footsteps came up the stairs slowly, I got a voice message so I ended the call. Really mom! The footsteps were getting louder and closer to me, looked down at my phone seeing Ross' number. Do I dare? No what if he got hurt? I couldn't risk it... My door knob began turning luckily it was locked so he couldn't get in. Without thinking I pressed talk hoping he would answer.

"Skylar! Open this door now!" the man said in a deep harsh voice, I stayed quiet. "I know you're in there! I saw you, now open this fucking door right now!" he shouted.

"What do you want John?" I yelled, John this man who broke into my house and I knew could hurt me. He was my mom's old boyfriend, he would abuse her and I. This was back when My siblings still lived with my dad, John would always beat on my mom and if she wasn't there... He'd beat on me. Finally my mom had him arrested and thrown in jail, but he's back. He's here and I can already tell in his voice he's looking for revenge...

 "hello?" Ross croaked.

"Ross, it's Skylar. I need you!" I almost began to cry.

"oh hey Sky, what do you mean?" he said confusingly.

"my mom's ex is here, he broke in." I quickly said before John yelled.

"Who the hell are you talking to? Let me in you bitch!! I'm gonna kill you." he screamed.

"Are you alright? what's going on over there? did he hurt you? was that him?" Ross asked multiple questions.

"yes that was him, he hasn't hurt me yet. If he gets into my room he'll... he'll kill me." I choked out.

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