Chapter 4

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Disclaimer, I do not own Twilight, all credit revolving names, nicknames, myths, pictures found online, photos, horses, Meyer's story, and characters belong to their respected owners. I do own my OC

Some language, and Mature content. I added a few pictures to give a bit of an idea for her and her designs for object's etc....


Edward was approached by Alice, she wanted to get her away from Jasper.

Since his thoughts were on Esme, and Emmett on the room.

He didn't catch her jealous thoughts.

They put a few new items, and fixed it up.

Curtains, and bedding

Emmett worked on the shelves. Edward placed his favorite books, and music.

Alice pulled Edward aside and convinced Edward that after he helped Esme with her room. They should then go shopping for school.

She will need plenty of 'proper' clothes for school. She gave him a list of things that he can help Sabine get.

Plus they will be able to talk and be able to be reintroduced.

Then alone, he can get to know her.


On the newly styled sofa, were jeans, a shirt, and lingerie. All in a bag, a mix of things Rose, and Esme put together.


Carlisle put together her new paperwork. Until he had a meeting, with everyone, and Jasper, he wanted to hold off volunteering any information.

After awhile Alice left to hunt, once she was out of the house she had to admit...she was furious....


Hearing the horse, her room now ready. They all went down to the living room.

Carlisle saw them hop off the horse. You couldn't tell they did anything.

Styles were the same, and smell, except for a small hint of claim, being aware only he and maybe -Rose could tell being more aware... looking for the actual signs...

(Strange) Carlisle thought observing


"What is?" Edward asked delving into his thoughts

"Nothing I'm wondering if the horse got them lost" Carlisle recovered and hiding his thoughts from him "Welcome home"

He greeted

Carlisle said this as they entered "Enjoy the ride?"

He smiled to them how he cared for them both. It was coming off him in waves.


"Loved it all, He is fast. Went far too, I could ride him to Texas" Jasper commented in regards to his comforting feeling

"He'd probably take you up on the offer" Sabine "May not want to make him any promises"

"He's gorgeous" Rose smiled at her happy

Rose went to her "Let me show you to your room"

She smiled and pulled her forward up the stairs.


Carlisle gave Rose the purse and Rose showed her...her space.

She gave a quick tour, then her room

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