No Contract

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Can you hear my heart breaking?
It was caused by you
You careless, you fool.
But... I'm a fool for you.

Can you hear my tears dripping?
Because right now, they are
Like a waterfall, unstoppable
You probably know who you are.

Can you feel this thing called "love"
Of course you don't, you're dense.
Well I say to you,
Love doesn't make sense.

First it's all special and sweet
As if it's a brand new car
But based on what I learned,
That doesn't go so far.

Love doesn't last the way you want to
It destroys you, sometimes kills you
You need this to be stronger
Wiser, and fiercer, but who am I to tell you?

I chose love over anything
My pride, my friends, my mind
I fell in love with no commitment
No contract to be signed.

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