Lynn's blue eyes looked up to Helen's warm brown ones.

"I think that we would both enjoy that a great deal."


Lucy wasn't sure why she had decided to sign up for this field trip anyway. She had been a healer before, but right now, the sight of all these poor, ill people was making her a little sick. She could feel tears stinging her eyes as she watched a feeble man try to walk and then stumble, as she heard lady screaming in pain down the hall, and saw a young boy, smaller than her, on a hospital bed, just staring at the ceiling.

She was about to turn around and ask the teacher if she might go out for some air when she saw someone familiar.

It was the lady from church that mother always liked talking to on Sundays.

"What was her name?" Lucy searched her mind. "Oh yes! Mrs. Kellen."

Lucy was about to call out her name when she realized that Mrs. Kellen seemed preoccupied and a little excited. Lucy, being the polite girl that she was, decided to remain silent.

Mrs. Kellen entered a hospital room, and the door shut. All at once, the group moved over to that same room, to look through the window. Lucy thought that she might wave to Mrs. Kellen through the window, when another sight stopped her.

She covered her mouth to keep a squeel of excitement from erupting. She hardly heard what the nurse who was showing them around was saying. Her entire attention was on someone in the bed.

It was Miranda.

She gave a slight jump of excitement, and a broad grin lit her face. But it quickly vanished.

It was Miranda all right, but nothing like Lucy had ever seen before. Her face was terribly pale, and she looked awfully skinny. Her hair was very thin and was pulled up into a loose pony tail. An IV was in her arm, and her eyes were incredibly tired.

But a smile lit up on her face when she saw her mother. The two hugged each other, and Miranda sat up in the bed, as if waiting to hear a story.

Lucy felt a sudden pain in her chest as she watched the familiar person whom she had known so well; now looking like a complete stranger. Miranda the Courageous, the First Warrior of Narnia, was not that same person here. This person looked feeble and weak, and... scared.

She was almost glad when the group left to go in another direction. All she wanted now was to find a place to be alone: and cry.



Peter's and Edmund's voices both shouted at the same time, making the walls shake.

"SHHH!" Lucy whispered harshly. "You don't want the whole neighborhood to know do you?"

It was the next Saturday night, when all the children were given leave to come back home. All four children were in Lucy's room, all managing (somehow) to sit on her bed.

"Are you sure it was Miranda?" Susan asked doubtfully.

Lucy gave her a knowing glare.

"Oh, do be quiet Susan!" Edmund exclaimed. "Of course she's sure it was Miranda. Just like she was sure that she had found a country in the wardrobe; and that she was sure when she saw Aslan across the gorge."

That shut Susan up pretty quickly.

"Where did you see her?" Peter asked excitedly.

Lucy felt pretty good that Peter had not said; "Where do you think you saw her?"

The First Warrior (Peter Pevensie Love Story) [Narnia]Where stories live. Discover now