Key #2

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Ohayio, minna-san!

One little question, can you guys please start commenting and voting more? Because I have readers, but they don't vote or comment. I only see one person comment (Arigato, Angie-san)

Oh, and gomen, I don't have practice writing in Lissana's PoV so this might sound a bit like Lucy. And remember, Lisanna isn't evil in this fan fic so don't hate on her!

Also, I was doing a bit of fan fic surfing and I found my fan fic on the 7th page, the 9th one down! I was incredibly happy because I thought mine was going to be last or something....



Key #2

Lisanna PoV

I watched Cana as she drunk another bottle of beer, feeling sick at the though of how much she had drunk.

"Stop it, Cana!" I scolded, walking slightly ahead of her to get the scent of alcohol out of my nose.

Finally, Cana ran out of beer so she had to stop, and the scent was gone from the air, giving me time to think. I was worried for Gray and Lucy. They were both good friends of mine, and I wished that everything could be over so we could go back to normal days.

"How are we supposed to find one key in the entire area we have to cover?" Cana complained, interupting my thoughts. I sighed and shrugged, really hating the fact that I was stuck with a drunk person.

"Let's stop for some rest, it's been three hours." Cana suggested. I was surprised by her sudden matureness, but my legs ached and so I agreed.

Stopping at a small park in the middle of a town about ten miles away from Magnnolia, we pulled out the food we had packed and began to eat. 

The sun shone brightly, making me really lazy, and after that delicious meal, I just wanted to sleep. I hadn't gotten much sleep lately, I was really worried about Natsu and the others. "I'm really tired, I'll just take a short nap......"

Before I knew it, I had dozed off with my head resting on my folded arms.

"Please, Yukino." Natsu pleaded.

"We can't! We need to wait, Natsu!" Yukino said, shaking her head.

"But we have one key, why can't we go? Lucy did that!" Natsu said, practically begging her.

"But we're not going, we're bringing someone back! We're bringing a Celestial Dragon Slayer back, that probably has her power mulitplied just by being in the Celestial World! We are doing it against her will, and it will take so much concentration and power that we need all twelve zodiac keys to do it!" Yukino explained.

"Then send me. I need to save Lucy! I need to save her!" Natsu yelled. His eyes were wild and enraged. Knowing Natsu, he hated the fact that he couldn't do anything but wait.

"Natsu, please understand!" Yukino pleaded, but Natsu shook his head.

"You and Happy go on back to Fairy Tail, so you can still bring Lucy back, in case I fail." Natsu said.

Yukino sighed."Gate of the Maiden, I open thee! Virgo!

The pink haired girl with shackles appeared, bowing down. "Take Natsu to the Spirit World."

"Yes, mistress." In a poof of golden, both Virgo and Natsu were gone.

"NO, NATSU!" I yelled, my hands outstretched. Cana gave me a weird look, then turned back around.

Fairy Tail - The Dark Keys (Book 1) - The Celestial Dragon [A NaLu FanFiction]Where stories live. Discover now