Chapter Thirty Three

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"Magnar, honestly, I can't stand another moment of this. Do you not see the sun today? It's a gorgeous day out and I've been stuck inside this castle for the past week!"

Magnar watched as Senea stood from her chair, pointing in an exaggerated motion towards the window. She was right in that the sun had been blasting the warm rays down on Orriel throughout the morning. "Senea, you really need to focus on the Valland Treaty."

She let out a groan and fell back into the chair. "How many times are we going to go over it?" she whined.

Magnar placed the large parchment onto the table and tapped it. "This treaty grants us access to Valland's resources."

"Yes, I know, and in exchange King Brigoi had granted them entry into the council."

"And what happened after that?" He picked up the parchment again, turning away from her.

She let out another groan followed by a high pitched whine as she grasped the sides of her head tightly in her hands. "They got entry and," she began to trail off, her eyes watching the birds soaring through the sky. "Magnar!" she whined again.

"By Ral, have you always been this whiny?"

"I don't do well with these kinds of things!" She slumped into the chair, extending her legs as she began to sink. "They got entry and began hounding King Brigoi to learn their stupid history?"

"Senea!" He was exhausted and grasped his own head.

"Magnar! You expect me to remember this when I can't even remember to when to parry or when to dodge!"

He groaned and tossed the parchment back onto the table. "Come on, Senea. How can I expect you to go to Yasdenia with me if you can't even remember one simple treaty?"

She looked up at him, her eyes pleading with him to let her free of this torture. "They got entry and," she closed her eyes, racking her thoughts. "And they began demanding access to The Tear."

"Yes! There you go!"

"Now can we go outside?" she questioned. She sounded like a child begging to play.


"Magnar!" she whined again, louder this time, hoping to arouse suspicion of the guards outside.

Magnar walked over to her side of the table, leaning against it as he watched her. "Senea, this is vital information. Why did they want access to The Tear?"

She sighed and sat up, readjusting the bottom of her dress. "Because their resources, their farmland, were becoming flooded with swamp water and they feared that King Brigoi, in all his eccentricities, would take their resources from them and kick them out from the council." Magnar nodded, encouraging her to go on. "So if they had access to The Tear, which was housed in Yasdenia, they could have clean water. But Yasdenia didn't want that."

"Come on, Senea, just a bit more to go. Why didn't Yasdenia want that?"

She groaned and let loose a sob and tossed her head back. "Why can't I just hire someone to remember all this for me?"

"It would look bad, not only against you but also against me."

She mumbled gibberish and sat up, glaring at him. "They didn't want that because they received nothing from this treaty. So in addition to having to give resources to Itod, Valland would have to give resources to Yasdenia."

"Alright, last question." He stood up and stared her down. "What happened next?"

She grumbled out and crossed her arms. "King Brigoi gave up his portion of resources to Yasdenia, Yasdenia granted a piece of The Tear to Valland, and Valland become an important alliance to King Brigoi since he gained the center farmlands."

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