Arthur hummed, sipping his tea. "You're only nineteen, Alfred?"

"Yeah." Alfred shrugged, slouching back. "But I've been working since I was twelve. I've been with this company since I was sixteen, starting as an intern, just like every other person, and Francis got me promoted a couple times."

Francis laughed. "And now you're just a little bit of a big deal in our company!"

Arthur choked on his tea as Alfred looked away and smiled in embarrassment. "Not really..."

"You're a big deal!? Francis, why in the name of the Queen did you not tell me I was meeting a big deal!?" Arthur hissed under his breath, getting a little suspicious of Francis' choosing.

"I'm not that big. I'm not CEO, or anything." Alfred shrugged again, setting his phone an jacket on the table as he orders a cup of coffee.

The Frenchman chuckles. "You're much too modest, Alfred. You have your own office, lost of money, a beautiful car, a mansion for only you, your brother, his weird pet-"

"Kumajiro. He's a small polar bear."

"-Yeah, that, and your pets. I'm shocked you don't have a sexy fox clinging to your arm with a big shining rock on her finger!"

Arthur shook his head as he listened. Alfred hummed. "I'm just looking for the right person, Francy-pants. Besides, I'm just a bit young to be settling down with someone. And I'm sure a 'sexy fox clinging to my arm' is a gold-digger. I want the right person." Alfred thanks the waitress for his coffee, and sipped.

The Brit was intrigued in the American, but he was worried about how they were talking about women. Did Francis pull some dirty trick an bring me a straight man? "Well, I think that's good." Arthur sipped the last bit of his tea. "Waiting for the right person, that is."

Alfred smiled at Arthur and nodded.

Francis smirked in Arthur's direction, then turned to Alfred. "Arthur's gay. He's also searching for the 'right person.'"

Arthur and Alfred both choked, Arthur blushing in anger and Alfred in awkwardness. "Francis, you prick! That is not something you go spurting about! I'm sorry, Alfred, I-"

"It's fine." Alfred raised his hand to hush Arthur, and it worked, to Francis' surprise. "I'm fine with gays. Matthew's gay. And I mean, you love who you love. That can't really be helped, can it?"

Francis leaned back. "Couldn't have said it better myself." Arthur only nodded, staring down into his empty teacup. "I have to make a quick call. I'll leave you two to talk for a minute. Get to know each other." Francis stood and pulled out his phone, then walked out of the shop.

Alfred cleared his throat awkwardly. "So... You have any siblings?"

Arthur groaned. "Too many. One sister, and three older brothers. Also a younger brother. They all hate me and tease me."

"I'm sure they don't hate you." Alfred leaned forward, smiling.

"Oh, they do," Arthur scoffed, rolling his eyes. "My entire childhood was them picking on me and pushing me around, same with my younger brother. That's why I'm so... Stubborn and snappy, as my friends tell me. I had to put up with it my whole life, and it got worse when I came out."

Alfred hummed. "What about your parents?"

The Brit sighed. "My dad died just after Peter was born, and my mother is very sweet. She and my sister accepted this part of me, but my bothers all hate me. They can't accept it. So as soon as I turned eighteen, three months later, my mother and sister helped me find a nice apartment, and helped me pay for it until I could for myself."

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