Chapter Twenty: Who Kissed Who

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"I'm here to see you," I said, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Do you have a moment to talk privately?"

"Uhh... sure," he said. "But it better be quick. Sarah's going to be here in a few minutes."

"All right," I said. I turned to Dave and smiled at him. "Can you leave us for a moment, Dave? I'll just have to talk to Topher alone."

He glanced at us suspiciously before nodding. "Okay. I'll see you around, Dee."

"Okay. And thank you for showing me around."

When Dave left, Topher asked me to sit down with him on an empty bench. "So, what do you want to talk about?"

"I know who sent the text message," I informed him. "It's Emilie Vang."

Topher frowned. "Who?"

"Emilie Vang! Remember the girl James is supposed to be engaged to?" 

"Oh. The one with the birthday party we attended to," Topher said thoughtfully. Then he shook his head. "And how did you know this?"

"I checked James' phone. I saw Emilie's number in his contacts and it was the same number who texted me," I answered. 

"Why are you telling me this? And why not Kendra?"

"I... want your opinion," I replied slowly. "What should I do?"

Topher looked at me in disbelief. "Wow. This is the first time a person wants my opinion," he said, with a nervous chuckle. He scratched the back of his head before looking back at me. "Why don't you text her? Ask her to meet up somewhere and talk about this like adults."

I frowned. "You think that would work?"

"Look, if Emilie does know about... about the kiss, then ask her what she wants. Then you try to talk to her out of it. Persuade her not to tell anyone," he said, giving me a serious look. 

I tried to consider what Topher said. "So, I should talk to her?" I asked for clarification. "Find out what she wants?"

Topher nodded. "Yeah."

"But you know me. I can't just start talking to people like that. I'm not like Kendra," I said, shaking my head. "I... I..."

He hesitated before replying. "Do you want me to go with you?" he offered.

Bewildered, I stared right back at him. "What?" I asked, not sure I heard him right.

"Do you have problems with your ear?" Topher asked sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "I asked if would you want me to go with you?"

"Really? You'd do that for me?"

"Um, yeah, of course," he said slowly. "Besides, she's threatening you about our kiss. So she threatens me as well."

I smiled at him gratefully. "Thanks. Thank you so much. I-I would love it if you come with me when I talk to her."

"Just text me, all right?" Topher said, smiling warmly.

Before I could even think about what's happening, I placed my arms around Topher and hugged him tightly. I felt him tense but then he slowly relaxed. I felt nervous, and I knew he was too. It wasn't like me to just hug Topher all of a sudden. We were enemies. But now... hugging him like this... felt like we were almost friends. It felt like we were never enemies before. And it felt like we could be something more.


Topher pulled away from me and stood up. A different smile was pasted on his face. It was a smile I know he would never wear for me. "Sarah," he greeted his girlfriend in surprise.

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