C17| Murderous little human

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Hellllo, my dears!

I hope you're having a fabulous day and I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to leave me a little vote and a little comment.

I do believe that this chapter is the one that most of you have been waiting for ;)

"My, you've grown quite a bit."

The man I knew and remembered as Lucius grinned wickedly, taking a step towards us. I stiffened at his words, aware that Damien had done the same.

"What's it been? Nine years since I saw you last? Your blood wasn't quite ready for us then so we had to let you get away. I must say though, we certainly didn't expect that you'd shoot one of my men in your escape," he added, looking at the dead man by the door.

When he did so, I flicked my own gun out from my holster and aimed it at him in one quick motion, flicking the safety off just as my finger tapped the trigger.

He simply aimed the gun at Damien's chest, clicking his tongue as he shook his head.

"Kill me and I'll still have time to kill him. Now, where were we?"

"Shut up," Damien spat out, his hand curling into tight fists of anger. I looked to him and bit down on my lip, my heart breaking when I saw how tired and agonised he seemed.

Lucius simply smirked, casting a brief glance at him before staring right back at me. Again he stepped forward, hesitating only momentarily when I scowled and jerked my gun

"Do you remember when I brought you here? After killing your parents? They died in the house right next door, didn't they?" his smirk grew when Damien tried to lurch forward to attack him and I was forced to hold his weak body back.

"You son of a bitch!" Damien cried, turning to me with wide, pained eyes. "Kill him," he brokenly whispered.

"I remember that they hid you so well when we came for you. Their screams as they died were... delightful," Lucius went on and I looked to him again to see his aim was steady as he continued to point the muzzle at Damien.

If I shoot him now, he really could have time to kill Damien. I-I have to keep him distracted.

"It was your thirteenth birthday, right? You were supposed to be at your party by the beach but you insisted your parents come back here so you could grab your new sunglasses. You could even say that, if it weren't for you, they might still be alive," Lucius sighed as a solitary tear slid down my cheek. When he grinned again however, I quickly swallowed the lump in my throat, constantly looking to make sure that Lucius was too distracted with his speech to notice any of my own subtle movements.

"I see you've become quite the murderous little human, huh?" he chuckled as he gazed around at the dead men on the floor. "Your parents would be so pro-" before he could finish, I shot his hand, glaring at him victoriously as his gun clattered to the ground.

"Now, now," Lucius clutched his bloody, wounded hand to his chest, grimacing while a scowl twisted across his lips. "We're friends, aren't-" before he could finish, I pulled the trigger and shot him in the chest, immediately launching my body and Damien's toward the door when Lucius fell forward, his blood already seeping into the carpet.

I quickly bent down to pull the knife I'd left in the chest of one of the dead men when I first arrived and hurried down the porch steps when I heard other guards shouting from the back; obviously alerted by the sound of gunfire.

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