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Things never go my way...

Why did the administration decide to renovate the campus dorms in the middle of cold, cold fall weather? I'll never know. I hurdle up the hill with my big box, behind other frustrated fellows who carry their own heavy things.

Icy wind blows some of my hair strands into my mouth. I try to spit them out, but there's no use. Orange leaves sweep under my feet, as some crazy squirrels in the field gripe away.

Our trials up the hill towards the farthest dorm building resemble the Exodus. About fifty of us are forced to migrate to the old dormitory residence. Pete and Everest march easily, while carrying a mattress above their heads. They're strong guys, so I guess they don't mind the trek. As for me, my legs are ready to give in at any moment. If anything happens, I'd know not to count on my best friend Mara to catch me.

"How long until we get there?" she asks, behind me.

I shrug my tired shoulders. My box feels like it's getting heavier every step.

"I'm not exactly sure where it is. I'm just following everyone else," I admit.

"Honestly!" Mara exclaims. "I can't walk this hill every single day!"

"At least we're closer to downtown," I try to cheer her up.

I think of the pros, which are closer access to the libraries and coffee shops.

"Speaking of downtown," she sings, "Let's go clubbing, tonight."

"Don't we have a Shakespeare midterm next week?" I ask her.

Frankly, I hate the idea of going partying. It seems scary—people drinking and dancing and whatnot on top of one another. I prefer the coziness of resting under my bed sheets and watching movies. 

"Exactly. It's next week. Why are we talking about it?" she sighs, sounding exhausted.

"We've got to study. Plus, I'm too tired to go anywhere."

"Ugh, it's the weekend, Ro!" she groans.

I know she'll nag me forever and always. She does every weekend. I say no, every weekend. I partially envy her, because she's confident and comfortable going anywhere and doing anything. I want to do well this semester, so I decided to focus on school at all times. I'm surprised that Mara has patience to stay my friend, since I'm so boring.

"Sorry, Mara. I'm really not up for it."

She pressures me nonetheless and whispers, "Everest will be there."

She wiggles her brows at me. I sigh like an old man. She mentions his name at any and every event that she wants me to attend.

"He's got a girlfriend now," I scowl, "Which obviously means he's not available."

Yes, I had a thing for Everest, when I just got into college. But I'm way too shy to say anything. We've barely talked, anyways. He's going out with some girl, so I decided to quit gawking. Right now, he's a few feet away ahead of us. Maybe if I had gone to all those parties and stuff with Mara... maybe I would have had a shot. I roll my eyes at the vain thought. I can't have a boyfriend, anyway. My parents would bury me, if they found out. Mara stands next to me with a dull look on her face.

"When he was available, miss Rosalie, you never made any efforts to get his attention," she says sarcastically.

"It's not easy, when you're basically a nobody," I comment, trying to reposition the box in my sweaty hands.

"That's because you're always cooped up like a hermit in your room. We need to go out partying some more. Get boys to notice us," she preaches.

I frown at her, though. First of all, boys would never notice me. I have absolutely nothing to offer. I have zero beauty and barely a brain. I can't even say that I'm a bit funny. No boy would be interested in me.

Bad Boy JudahWhere stories live. Discover now