Chapter 2: Not what he- wait he's a perv!?

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(OKAY TO START HOOLLLYYY COW GUYS THANKS SO MUCH FOR THE ENCOURAGEMENT! IT MEANS ALOT! Usually when i share meh fanfics the others are all like 'its good' and give me the blankest face so thanks guys! and i'll try and keep it up! I hear from even my teachers that I plan WAY too much! :3)

(Error's P.O.V)

The attacker lightly lifted his hand, as if the simple movement would scare the heavy fog away and blow his cover. Thread wrapping around his fingers willingly before shooting out sporadically giving off no signs of a pattern knotting themselves on Ink's wrists. All he had to do was pull for the other to become dust, seems easy enough, in till he actually tried. His grin faltering for a moment, this guy wasn't budging, literally his victim didn't even flinch. Heh...  he was going to have to break them another way then, but this kinda method takes time, mentally breaking someone wasn't one of his strong suits. Pulling all the strings, instead of one sent Ink in the air and into the cover of the fog, he could hear the others scream the others name, Ink huh? That's... astonishingly familiar. Said Ink appeared before him dangling helplessly by his threads, an annoyed glare on his face. How amusing! he looks as if I was wasting his time! "Hey." This Ink person spoke pretty confidently.. rude. I looked up to meet his gaze. His features calmed, a welcoming smile lightly worming onto the other. "Are you the person scaring everyone? You don't have too. Not unless it's Halloween anyways". Why was this person being so open? What the hell? I was starting to lightly panic. It's been a LONG time since I gave up blueberry so I'm a bit rusty to the open arms deal. A smirk spread across my face. "Don't have to? HA! Your pretty funny for an abomination! Sure, I don't HAVE to, but there's so many disgusting universes. There should only be ONE. So princess. Please continue to ridicule me like i'm a trouble making child~."

Ink's P.O.V

W-WHAT!? THAT SLICK LITTLE BASTARD! If there's a weakness of mine, one of them would be flirting... My face was pretty much a full color spectrum and there was no way to hide it. Oh what a glorious day~ Well, gotta get out of here some way or another and I can't distinguish my pride any further so let's give it a go! I'm pretty darn certain that I can make these strings turn into paint but just in case i gave out a little prayer. Sucking in a bunch of air, I quickly spoke "Your fly is down." "WHAT!?" Perfect~. In that moment of the other's confusion, I turned the strings turn to paint before making them disappear, dropping me down onto the forest floor. "INK!!" All of the Sans' yelled, their faces filled with worry. I only got a quick glace at them when strings try'd to stab me from above. I was able to dodge them one of the strings grazed my shoulder, luckily not hitting bone but pierced a little bit of clothing. That's a bit too close for comfort. I opened a portal, my eyes narrowing on the others. "Get in the portal so this killer won't dust ya!" The other's were already in the portal by the time I finished like a bunch of spooked horses. 

third person P.O.V

Ink was going to jump into the portal when the blue wires wrapped his soul. With a loud yelp he was forced backwards, tripping and falling straight on his back. "Owww." He sat up lightly rubbing his spine, seeing the other descend from the fog above hanging from his strings before lightly touching the ground and retracted his strings like a makeshift yo-yo, putting his hands in the pockets of his hoodie the black monster approached the other. "It's pretty impolite to leave in the middle of a conversation. Don't you think, Ink?"

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