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I wanted to go to Watford. Back to Watford, I mean. I figured that if the Mage really was back from the dead, we would have to go investigate. Maybe he had gone back to Watford in search of me before he found my flat, or maybe he went there just to remember the Humdrum. I didn't know his motives, but something was telling me that he was there. It was probably a trap, but I had to go anyway. I was used to traps, and if I could finally kill the Mage for good, even if I died in the process, it would be a success. I knew Baz wouldn't be too keen to return to Watford, though. He thought I had died at one point in my fight with the Mage, so he was very scarred. Possibly even more so than I was. 

"Baz," I said. We were shopping for groceries because he was mad at me for ordering food so much. Apparently it wasn't healthy. I didn't mind.

"What, Snow?" he asked. He was surveying the ingredient list on a box of pasta to see if it really was wholegrain. I was leaning against the cart and bouncing on my knees anxiously. 

"You called me Simon before," I noted.

"No, I didn't."



"I want to go to Watford." I said it really fast so he would just let it roll off his back. Maybe he would think I was asking to get something from the store and he would just say "yes" instinctively. He hardly ever said no to me. He was too afraid of disappointing me.

He caught this remark, though. His eyes flashed in anger like he was remembering me getting knocked out at White Chapel. When he thought I was dead. When he thought his world would stop turning.

"No," he said bitterly.

"Baz, please. I need to go back there," I argued. 

He threw the box of pasta in the cart and moved to the check out queue. It really didn't seem as though he was budging on this one. 

"Why do you want to go back? To remember the Mage?"

"No," I huffed, "to find the Mage."


To find the bloody Mage. Aleister Crowley, Snow had lost it. The Mage was the last person I wanted to see, dead or not. He'd taunted us enough and caused enough hell, and now Snow wanted to go hunting for him? The Mage was no numpty. He would kill Simon if he had the chance.

"That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," I sighed. The woman in front of us had a cart stocked with different fruits and cat foods. It would be a while before we would make it to the front.


"Why? Because the Mage has tried to kill you, he's taken your magic, and he's stalked you back to your flat! Why the hell would you want to go after him? He's not your bloody mentor anymore, Simon!"

Simon clenched his fists in rage. People were starting to look at us now, their heads turned quizzically in our direction. I did my best to ignore them and to calm myself down, but Snow was on fire. 

I could literally smell him burning. 

Green fire and brimstone. 

He was going off.


"Snow, calm down," I begged. I feared for my life, for his, and for the lives of everyone else in this store. Maybe even in the country.

"No! You don't get to talk and then--"

"Shut up!

The words flew out of my mouth, thick with magic. I instantly regretted this, but I couldn't take it back. I'd just spelled Snow's mouth shut, and he looked pissed. 

"As you were," I said. Snow's mouth popped open but he didn't say anything. Instead he just glared at me and ran out of the store, presumably all the way home.

I'd totally fucked up, and there was nothing I could do. 

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