Muggle Studies: Week 3

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Professor L. Dumbledore
(substitute teacher)

Muggle Studies is a subject analysing the lifestyle and habits of Muggles. If you wish to pursue a career involving Muggles, you would need to take and pass this class.

Today we will be learning about electricity (eh-leck-tris-ity).  Electricity is hugely popular among Muggles and used everywhere in the Muggle world. Electricity is one of the most versatile energy sources that Muggles have; it is also one of the newest: Muggles homes and businesses have been using it for not much more than a hundred years. Electricity has played a vital part of Muggle past.

Electricity is a type of energy that can build up in one place or flow from one place to another.  When electricity gathers in one place it is known as static electricity; electricity that moves from one place to another is called current electricity.

Your homework will be to research the scientific principles of electricity and the most common ways which Muggles use them.

Class dismissed.

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