Life of a Malfoy ch. 19

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I was mentally freaking out. No joke. Don't think I'm lying to you. I was seriously happy, but what was going to happen to me and Harry now? 

My whole life was changing. 

I went from the Slytherin Princess to being the odd-one-out Gryffindor. I had changed from a Malfoy to a Black. I had been capable of having anything I wanted, and went to nothing. And my favorite right here, I was kissing Harry Potter! Did I even like him? Did he like me? I realized those questions could be answered. It's pretty obvious.

So, back to the point. I was kissing him, and he was kissing me back. It was like a sweet kiss, but with some passion. Do I need to explain anything more? I had my arm glued to one side of his head, intertwined in his hair. We kissed until I was about to die from lack of breathing. We both pulled away, but our faces were only inches apart.  

I started smiling, and a smile appeared on his face too. I took my hand off of his head, and he held both of my hands.

"So what happens now?" I asked him, a smile still lingering on my face. 

"What do you mean?" He answered, slightly confused. 

"Are we like.. Y'know.." I said, my cheeks getting warm. My smile disappeared. "Gonna date? Or.." I looked down, and my cheeks started getting hotter. 

"If you want to," he said. I looked up at him, and slightly nodded my head. The smile came back to my face, and my skin was cooling down. I put my arms around his waste, and my head on his shoulder. We watched the memories that we had forgotten about, because we were too busy in the present. We both laughed when baby Harry fell off his broomstick, and started crying. The image started fading slowly, carrying us back into the present. Remember? The present where I was knocked out? I had a feeling I was going to sleep for awhile. 

  Harry's P.O.V.


My head ached when the memories of the past pulled me back into the present. Nothing had changed. It was like the memory had never been seen... 

I was holding Lexa, right before I had gotten pulled into the memory.. But I remembered what happened in the memory, and a smile came to my face. Hermione got on the other side of Lexa, and my smile quickly vanished so she wouldn't notice. We both got her mostly standing, probably because she was so light. 

"Ron, give me a hand," Hermione said. Ron was one of the laziest people on the Earth, but I knew he would do anything for Hermione. 

Ron walked over to the side Hermione was on, and put his arm under Lexa's non-moving one. Her body was slightly shaking, but her heart was still beating. Hermione left Ron and me to carry Lexa inside, and grabbed Lexa's wand that was on the ground. 

Ron and I carried her inside, and laid her genitally on the couch in the sitting room. She looked beautiful while sleeping, but had a scared expression. Everybody came into the room (and by everybody, I mean all the Weasleys, Lupin, and Tonks) and were huddled around Lexa. Her breath started to get sharp and irregular, and there was a deep breath before she gasped and opened her eyes. She sat up too quickly, and clutched at her stomach. 

Lexa started panting, and eventually stopped. 

"Are you okay?" Hermione finally asked. Lexa didn't answer her, but looked at me with an expression that read "you remember?". I softly nodded. She turned back to Hermione.

"Kinda," Lexa said. Hermione let out a sigh of relief, but I could tell she was still a little worried. 

Lexa's P.O.V.

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