6~"Isn't That Simple"

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I am doing a merge of different comic book storylines and some ideas of mine own...Rikki has many different versions, so it was impossible to just stick with one and I decided to put my own little spin on it.....

"So your last name is Barnes. Why would that freak me out? I'm sure there are more Barnes families in the world. We might even be distant relatives."

"I'm afraid it isn't that simple."

"What isn't that simple?"

"I'm not a distant relative."

What? How could she be sure of that?

"Go on."

"James....I'm your granddaughter."

What kind of game does she think she is playing?

"You expect me to believe that you are my granddaughter? I don't even have a child much less a family. How on earth did you come under the delusion that you are my granddaughter?"

Her cheeks flush and she takes a few deep breaths. She must be crazy...HYDRA must have forced her into thinking she is a direct descendent of me...I would know if I had any close family left...

"I'm from an alternate reality created by Franklin Richards."

Oh this just keeps getting better and better....what next?

"Sure you are." I say with sarcasm.

Rikki nervously wrings her hands and tries to calm herself down.

"Its true."

Like I am supposed to take your word for it...I don't get deceived that easy...STOP LYING... Normally this is where I would make a death threat, but because she is just a kid I decide to delay my normal interrogation tactics.

"So not only do you want me to believe that you are my granddaughter, but you want me to believe that you are my granddaughter from another reality....just plain words aren't going to convince me. Prove it."

Rikki bites her lip and hear eyes start to water.

"It isn't that simple! I don't know how to prove it. It isn't like I can just tell you about your past and quirky little things you do that I would know just because I am your granddaughter. It isn't like I know you."

"Alright. Tell me about yourself. Who are your parents?"

I might as well gain some amusement by listening to her attempt to explain my family tree from an AU....

"Well....my mother's name was Margaret Carter and my father's name was John Barnes, your son."

"Yeah...I don't have a son. I would know if I had a son."

I don't have any children. None. Especially one named John...She is lying. I don't appreciate that. I was kind to her, I rescued her. The least she could do is tell me the truth. What does she hope to gain by lying?

"You don't have one in this reality."

"Listen, kid, I was once your age and I know it sometimes seems like a good idea to make up fantasies to explain the truth. No matter how horrific your real story is, I want you to tell me it."

Her eyes dull and she stares at my boots with a huge frown spread across her entire face.

"Capta-Steve. He told me you were dead. I asked to take up your mantle...in honor of you."

She looks up at me and I can see the sorrow in her eyes. Another person I should have stayed for....

"I became the next Bucky and I fought with him. Side by side. During a battle, the last thing I remember was being rolled away on a stretcher with a terrible headache. I have bits and pieces of memories from tortures and experiments, but now...all I see is you. You saved me from HYDRA.'

Her words bring a memory to my mind. There was a time when the media claimed that Steve had a sidekick named 'Bucky' again.....I payed no mind to it because I thought they were rumors...but that was over eight years ago...How long had she been in that place? She looks at me and I can tell by the expression on her face she is going to ask a question. Oh boy...

"Where is Steve?"

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