Winter Soldier - The Bridge

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Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier) x Allie

Requested by @MARVELLOUSSEBBY. This is my fiftieth imagine, yay! I decided that titling this the Winter Soldier instead of Bucky made sense, since they're basically two different people. So, if you would like a Winter Soldier imagine instead of a Bucky Barnes imagine, that is an option! I wasn't sure how I should play this out because the request was pretty vague, so I got to mess around with it as much as I wanted. There isn't as much Winter Soldier in here as I had hoped, but I tried! I hope this is okay!

You sighed as you felt the bus stop once again. Multiple people stood from their seats and exited the bus, while a few more people entered the bus and filled the empty seats. You raised your eyes from your phone for a moment. Three stops so far, two more to go. You looked back down to the numbers at the top of your phone. You had a job interview in ten minutes, and you were terrified that the bus wouldn't make it in time. You contemplated getting off the bus for a moment before quickly shaking the thought from your head. Even with the stops it took, the bus would still be two times faster than you could be on foot. 

It wasn't long before you heard a distant sound of screeching tires and what sounded like gunshots. An air of uncertainty settled over the crowd gathered in the bus. A few people began muttering their concerns to their fellow passengers. The man next to you furrowed his eyebrows and turned to you.

"What do you think that was?" He asked fearfully. You sat in thought for a moment before shaking your head.

"I have no idea. Hopefully it was nothing serious," you replied. He nodded in agreement.

"So where are you going?" He wondered, tilting his head to the side. You locked your phone and slipped it into your back pocket before answering him.

"I'm off to a job interview. I'm late, actually. It's my fault really. I should've left earlier," you admitted, giving a light shrug. You knew your actions were a bit standoffish, but you were still a little rattled from the crashes you heard a couple minutes before. They hadn't sounded too far away.

That's when the gunshots started up again. A woman in the front of the bus screamed and began pointing frantically out the window.

"On the bridge!" She shouted, her voice shaking with fear. Her hand was trembling as he pointed out the window. You followed her outstretched finger to see what she was talking about. You were barely able to get a glimpse of Captain Steve Rogers ducking behind his shield before he was blasted off of the bridge. The entire bus gasped, but began screaming as you all realized that he was headed straight for the bus. You were pushed and shoved as everyone pushed backwards, and soon you were standing in the front of the crowd. 

Steve slammed through the side of the bus, causing glass and metal bits to scatter everywhere. You felt some of the glass and even a few metal pieces slicing into your arms and legs, and you fell backwards and hit the ground.

You had only the slightest moment of silence before you felt the bus swerve. Something collided with the bus, sending it skidding and flipping onto its side. You were thrown to the side again and you slammed into the wall.

Your vision was fading in and out, but you found the strength to lift your head. You must have been out longer than you thought, because the bus had been vacated and the only people left were you and Captain Rogers. Your head was still spinning from the collision, but there was still one thing that you knew about this situation. Steve Rogers was the only one who could fix it. 

You groaned in pain as you sat up and reached a hand out to Steve. You gripped tightly onto his shoulder and shook him. "Captain Rogers. Captain Rogers, you need to get up. Captain Rogers?"

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