Chapter 6

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(Daisy's POV)

As soon as I spotted Riley, my mind momentarily went blank. Of all the potential scenarios I had imagined of how this all might have gone down, she hadn't been present in any of them. But there she was, rising from her seat and making her way over to me.

"Detective Wolfe." I feigned pleasant surprise. "Fancy seeing you here."

Despite being taken completely off guard by Riley's presence, I had no choice but to compose myself before I even had a chance to properly lose my composure. After all, if she suspected that anything was amiss even for a second, then it would be game over. If it wasn't already.

"I thought that was you. What are you doing in a place like this?" She asked, gesturing at our surroundings.

"Oh, you know..." I suddenly became very conscious of the fact that I wearing my 'Pink Pistol' getup. I folded my arms across my chest in a feeble attempt to make the pink of my dress a little less noticeable, though there was nothing I could do about the hue of my lips. Hopefully she wouldn't think it was too unusual; she thought I was a genuine florist after all. "I just thought I'd stop by for one drink. I'm returning from a rather disappointing date, you see."

Riley nodded slowly, though there was still a frown on her face. "I suppose that explains why you're all dressed up."

I glanced at Eduardo, who was still at the bar cradling his second drink. This was indeed a very difficult situation, especially given the fact that Riley was apparently joined by a whole table of her colleagues, Detective Silver included. I needed to figure out what to do, and fast.

"Well, if you'd like, I can buy you that drink." Riley offered.

"Oh, I couldn't ask you to do that." I declined politely. "Haven't you done enough for me lately?"

Riley shrugged. "Believe me, I'm the one that owes you. Come on, let me buy you a drink, there's a spare seat at our table. I'll even introduce you to the guys."

If I wanted to avoid looking suspicious then I couldn't very well leave without having at least one drink, nor could I refuse Riley's offer and then proceed to make a drinking buddy of Eduardo Luisa. While he apparently wasn't on their their wanted list right now, I didn't doubt that it'd be quite a predicament if Riley were to be investigating the murder of someone she'd seen me seducing beforehand.

"All right, sure. Sounds fun." I replied, attempting to come across as though I was actually pleased at having bumped into her. "Order me whatever you're having, I just need to nip to the little girls' room for a minute, if that's all right."

"Of course."

Riley proceeded to the bar and I hastily made for the restroom, pulling out my phone as soon as the door closed behind me and dialling Jasper's number. It barely rang once before he picked up.

"Daisy? What's going on?" He sounded worried. I'd never contact him during a job unless it wasn't going according to plan.

"Detective Wolfe is here." I informed him in an urgent whisper, checking all the cubicles to make sure they were empty before making my way towards the sink. "As well as a whole squad of her cop friends."

"What?" Jasper cursed under his breath. "Okay wait, what do you mean? Are they there for Luisa?"

"No, they're just drinking. I don't even think they know who Luisa is." I started to scrub at the pink lipstick on my mouth with a damp paper towel. It wasn't all that effective. "Riley offered to buy me a drink."

"Well, what did you say?" Jasper sounded scared and he wasn't bothering to pretend otherwise.

"I said yes. What was I supposed to say?" I sighed and calmed myself down. "The fact is, I can't make my move on Eduardo while Riley's here. We need another plan."

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