
We need to talk.

Astronomy tower, 8 o’clock.


Hermione rolled her eyes; she wasn’t going to show up. She didn’t want to talk to Ron and there was nothing to talk about. She would just keep avoiding him until he got the message.

After she read the note though, she knew that Ron would not give up easily. She had a fight ahead of her, one she was not ready to face. A fight, you could say, to the death. Although, no one is actually going to die, as far as Hermione knew.

Today was the night before the dance! McGonagall was letting all of the students go to Hogsmeade today and tomorrow to finish shopping and getting ready. Hermione planned on buying a few extra things for her costume today and tomorrow she had a hair appointment.

Hermione, quickly, got out of bed and pulled on her school robes over a black skirt and a pink camisole. She had few classes today, so she wasn’t worried about not having time in Hogsmeade.

She headed out of the common room and down to her Charms class. She sat in the back with Draco, working on the assignment. Class went by smoothly with light conversation between Hermione and Draco. It was still a bit awkward between them, but they were both ignoring that.

After all her classes, Hermione went straight to Hogsmeade. She picked up the things she needed and then shopped around a little. She went into a few places to buy little knick-knacks for herself. She bought some chocolates from Honeydukes and then headed to Zonko’s to look around.

The doorbell rang when she walked in and a few people turned to see who it was. The cashier greeted her and offered her help, but she politely turned him down. She walked, slowly, through the isles, looking at all the pranks.

“Hermione?” She heard a voice behind her.

Her eyes widened and she whipped around to see Ron standing behind her. “Ron.” She said.

“Never thought I’d ever find you in Zonko’s.” He said.

“First time for everything.” She said, looking a bit uncomfortable.

“So, Hermione, did you get my note?” He asked.

“Yes.” She stated plainly.

“So?” Ron asked.

“I have to go.” She said, she made her way to the door, as fast as she could, and walked out without a second glance.

She headed to The Three Broomsticks and sat at the bar with Hagrid. She ordered a butterbeer and watched the door for Ron. Hermione had become a little scared of her ex-best friend lately, ever since he bruised her wrist the day before.

The next time she glanced at the door, she saw Draco walking past. He looked worse than usual, which made her a bit sad. She told Hagrid goodbye and headed out to say hi to Draco.

She caught up to him quickly and she gave him a quick smile. “Hi.” She said.

“Not now, Granger.” Draco said. “I’m sorry.”

Hermione stopped; a little more worried about him. She did not pursue him though, she knew that if she did she would just get the same response. Hermione walked back into The Three Broomsticks, but before long she decided to head back to the castle.

She walked down the brick path leading from Hogsmeade to Hogwarts, lost in her thoughts. She saw a few people walking around her, but paid no attention to them. She pulled out her muggle MP3 Player and turned on her favorite band, U2.

She heard a scream and yanked her headphones out, whipping around to see Katie Bell 20 feet in the air. She ran over to Katie Bell’s friend and watched as Katie fell to the ground. Hermione ran over and checked her pulse.

“She’s still alive.” Hermione said, relieved.

“Th-the necklace. Sh-she touched th-the necklace.” Leanne, Katie’s friend, said.

Hermione picked up the necklace with the paper bag but dropped it instantly, feeling the power of the curse. Hermione slung one of Katie’s arms over her shoulder and told Leanne to get the other. She picked up the necklace with the paper bag again and they walked back to Hogwarts.

McGonagall was shocked when she saw Hermione in the doorway to her classroom with an unconscious Katie slung between her and Leanne. The three of them took Katie to the Hospital wing and then went straight to Snape.

Hermione was dismissed after she explained how she got involved. She went back to the Gryffindor common room and sat on the couch in front of the fire. Harry sat beside her and started to talk about people who could’ve cursed the necklace. She only started to pay attention when he said it could’ve been Draco.

“It wasn’t him.” She said instantly.

“How do you know?” He asked her.

“I just do, okay?”

Harry looked at her. “Do you have feelings for Malfoy?” He asked.

She looked shocked. “Of course I don’t!”

She knew Harry didn’t believe her, but she wondered if she believed herself. Maybe it was lie…

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