Chapter Two: Coma

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Here I am sitting down beside her mom and brother. I had came up with the lamest excuse saying that my mom wanted me to check on how he was taking his sisters accident and be there for him. After running into her brother earlier at the entrance of the hospital. Of course Pablo knew I was lying and said he knew I still loved her, its been months since me and Pablo talked. Yet my best friend knew me well. After that he took me to the lobby where he and his mom were waiting for news on how Ashley was doing.

I was lost in thought when the doctor asked for Ashley's relatives. My chest ached at the mention of her name.

"that's us" Pablo said as he put his hand on my shoulder.

The Doctor came up to us and said "well Ashley suffered a fracture on her left leg and some minor cuts on her skin from the broken glass we also had to do immediate surgery due to internal bleeding"

Pablo interrupted him asking "how is she??"

The doctor gave us a frown which made me feel uneasy ready for the worst. "She is stable at the moment but....".

BUT WHAT!!?? I half shouted.

"But due to a hard hit on her head she has gone into coma....I'm sorry ".

After hearing that I felt the world crumbling around me
"For how long " I asked.

"We don't know it could take hours, days, weeks, months, maybe even years before she wakes up again" the doctor responded.

I felt like crying right then and there. I couldn't believe what I had heard . There was a possibility that I would never see Her beautiful eyes again. And it made me feel so scared, scared I would never tell her how I felt.

Her mom was crying in Pablo's arms and you could see that Pablo wanted to too, but he was trying hard not to. I then asked if we could see her still shocked from the news I had just received.

The doctor nodded and motioned us to follow him.

Once we arrived in front of a door, the doctor opened the door and lead us inside the room and left. I stood there by the doorway while seeing Pablo and his mom walk up to her. They stood by her bedside her mom collapsed on her bedside crying while Pablo tried to comfort her. I walked to the other side of the bed, staring at her for a while.

She was pale with a few bruises on her face and arms, her head was bandaged but you could see some strands of hair, her leg had a cast. You would almost believe she was dead if it wasn't for the heart monitor saying otherwise. It pained me so much to see her like this. I felt tears running down my face to her bed sheets slightly wetting them I suddenly felt a slight tug on my shoulder I turned around and saw her mom crying, mouthing the words "thank you" i was confused I didn't know what to say I hadn't done anything right but I still said Your welcome ma'am tears still falling from my eyes while trying my hardest to hold them back

A Few Hours Later

Pablo's mom had left because she had work the following day, and since it was Friday neither me or Pablo had to worry about school the next day. Even tho I wouldn't have minded skipping a few days just to be by her side.

A few minutes passed and Pablo got up and said "I gotta get home bro, my mom might have work tommorow but I have to take care of Emily".

I nodded and said its ok bro ill stay here I don't plan on leaving.
He smiled and walked up to the door, he opened it and stood there then he said something. Something that got me wide eyed and overjoyed that I couldn't help but smile like and idiot, he said "you know, she never stopped loving you".

He then left and the door closing behind him as he left. I couldn't believe what he had just told me. I stared wide eyed where he once stood moments ago then my eyes drifted to Ashley's laying figure, Did she still love me was the question I asked myself for the next few hours while admiring her beautiful features that made me fall for her again and again. I didn't know if I should go home or spend the night here.

After debating with myself for a few minutes I decided to stay. I texted my mom and told her I would be staying at a friends house, i knew she would be fast asleep by now because it was past midnight. As i was sitting on a chair beside Ashley's bed. I couldn't help but replay the memories I had shared with Ashley, like the time we skipped school to see a movie, later being yelled at by her mother because the school called saying neither one of us had attended school that day. When we got home her mom didn't seem too happy with me. Or like the time we had gone to the beach one weekend with Pablo and his girlfriend and stayed at a hotel. At the time we had kept our relationship a secret from Pablo. Until that night when Pablo walked in on us making out, the look on his face was priceless. He later got another room for me ONLY but I sneaked out and spent the night with Ashley, of course Ashley woke up with an Angry Pablo chasing me around the hotel. After that Pablo didn't want me around his sister for like 3 weeks.

I smiled at the memories playing in my head, they were good memories. Unlike the ones I've had the past 8 months. I slowly drifted off to sleep but before i shut my eyes i whispered "wake up soon chappara....... I want to make more fun memories with you".

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2016 ⏰

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