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"Hey, Faye. Checking up on me so I don't give the firm a bad name?"

Josie slung her purse over her shoulder as she pushed through the swinging gate. Smiling, she joined Faye and together they walked into the hall.

"Just happened to be in the neighborhood."

"Right," Josie laughed and touched Faye's arm, steering her around a knot of attorneys and their clients who had gathered outside department 50. Hannah and Linda were gone. Kip was nowhere to be seen and Josie could only hope that he was with his wife and stepdaughter.

"I met Kip Rayburn. Introduced myself as your partner," Faye said before giving her a sly wink. "I don't think he appreciates your talents."

"There are only twelve people I want to appreciate me," Josie answered. "And I don't want to talk about Kip Rayburn. Come on, I'll buy you lunch. It's the least I can do for the only friendly face in the crowd."

"I tried to get Archer to come but he wouldn't," Faye said as she got into the elevator.

"I wouldn't expect him to."

Josie pushed the button for the ground floor and stood back, a small smile on her face. Faye didn't understand that Archer had been with her since this whole thing started.


Kip Rayburn saw Josie leave the courthouse but gave her no more than a passing thought. Hidden behind the blackout windows of the state owned SUV, Hannah and Linda already sent away in another car to lunch, he concentrated on what Cheryl Winston, the governor's campaign manager was telling him.

"Our polling results indicate there's a fifty two percent approval rating for your appointment. The governor is happy with that."

Kip nodded. Happy was not pleased. Pleased was not thrilled. The governor was simply happy about the results and Kip knew, without a doubt, that two percentage points were all that stood between him and mediocrity. He managed a thin smile while she kept going.

"The focus groups were supportive of you standing by your wife. They split on whether or not you owe Hannah anything. That's to be expected. A criminal case like this engenders strong feelings both ways."

"Did you ask them what they'd think if I testified for the prosecution?" Kip asked.

"Admiration. You score big there. They think you would be courageous. The public doesn't view this as they would a husband testifying against his wife. Remember, half the families in this country are blended. You've got a lot of people who may like their new spouse, but don't care for the kids. Or, they inherited a real bad apple when they got married. No big deal. When it comes to your nomination, they just don't know how you stand on certain issues but they're willing to give you a shot because of your father. Those we polled figured they don't know anything about their local judges either, so what the heck. All in all, Mr. Rayburn, I think we're on target. Just hang in there. Stay cool during the trial."

Cheryl closed her folder and gave Kip a broad smile. She was just a kid. Kip hated being at the mercy of kids. Still, he smiled back. The governor obviously had faith in her, and Kip wouldn't do anything to undermine his standing with the governor.

"I will. It will be tough, but I believe in the system." Cheryl seemed to wince. Kip knew he had to work on his presentation. Sincerity had never been a strong suit.

"That's admirable." Cheryl answered in a way that made Kip feel as if he had shown his teacher a particularly unmemorable piece of artwork. "We're thinking confirmation in about two months. I'll let the governor know everything looks okay down here. If you need us or have any questions, just call me or Alex."

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