I get kicked out of my neighbor's house. Quite abruptly, I might add.

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"Are we done yet?" I asked, slumping in my chair.

"We've only just begun." I groaned.

"I don't understand what you expect out these, what do you call them? 'Sessions'?" He nodded.

"Yes. Sessions. And what I expect is a little more effort." I shrugged.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, Doc. I think you're putting in a good amount of effort." I told him. He sighed.

"You know what I meant, Jessica." He said. I shrugged again.

"This is getting us no where." He sighed.

"I agree. See ya!" I said, jumping out of my seat, and bolting for the door. That's when I ran into a brick wall, known to his friends as "Bludge."

"Nice one." I wheezed, picking myself up off the ground. Bludge grinned.

"I try." He said. I gave him a mock smile.

"Jessica. You know why we're here. So lets just get it over with, shall we?" Doc said. I sighed, and sat down.

"So. How bout them colts?" I asked.

"Jessica." Doc warned.

"I don't know what you want from me! I told you what I saw, I told you what I thought, now what?" I screamed.

"You must be having some difficulty with it?" He prompted.

"Difficulty? Difficulty?! I heard my dad get murdered right in front of me!"

"He wasn't murdered." He sighed. I rolled my eyes.

"Riiiiiiiight." I said, "And my name is Percy, and I'm the queen of Portugal. Pleased to meet you." I said, giving a mock bow. Doc sighed.

"Alright, if you refuse to open up, then I guess we're done." He said. I grinned, and jumped out of my chair.

"Awesome!" I said, skipping out of the room. Okay, so let me explain. My name is Jessica Jones, and I witnessed my father's death. What you just read was a psychiatric 'session' of mine a month after the incident. So..... Yeah. I think you're all caught up for now. BACK TO THE STORY!

"Hola, Loupe!" I called, walking into my neighbor's house. Oh yeah, I lived with my neighbors too.

"Hola, Jessica!" Loupe called from the kitchen. I always liked the way she pronounced my name. With and H instead of a J. And the I at the end sounded like an E, so when she said it, it sounded like Hessecia.

"Anything interesting happen today?" She asked.

"Nada." I answered. She put her hands on her hips.

"I doubt that." She said. I shrugged.

"Marisa! Do the dishes like I asked!" She yelled up the stairs. Marisa, Loupe's fifteen year old daughter, came huffing down the stairs.

"Hola, Marisa!" I sang. She scowled.

"Would it kill you to be nice? For one day?" Loupe asked. Marisa pretended to think about it.

"Yes." She concluded, "Yes it would, and you don't want me to die, do you?" She asked.

"Weeeeeeelllllll........" I started. Loupe snapped.

"Stop it, you two! Marisa, where's your sister?" Loupe asked. Marisa shrugged.

"Cassandra!" Loupe yelled.

"Busy!" Cassie yelled back.

"Ay dios mio!" Loupe cursed.

"She ya later, Jess." Marisa sneered, already half way up the stairs.

"You'd better get used to me, because I'm gonna be here for longer than you think!" I called after her. She laughed, then pranced up the stairs.

"What was that about?" I asked. Loupe turned red.

"Loupe?" I asked.

"You can't blame me, Jessica. I am a single mother of two! I didn't ask to take on a third! I-"

"Loupe, what did you do?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, Jessica. I'm so sorry."


"I- I gave up custody of you!" She wailed.


"Your uncle."

"What uncle?"

"Oi, I don't remember his name!"


"John! Something. John...... Watson!"


Jessica Jones And The Case Of The Cluedo KillerWhere stories live. Discover now