Chapter One: Memories & Accidents

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"Wake up David you only have 15 minutes to get to school" my mom shouted before she left to work.
"God dang it, I knew I shouldn't have stayed up late", I muttered while rushing to get out of bed. Once I'm out, i brush my teeth, comb my hair and get dressed as fast as I can. I ran out the house with my book bag and in an instant I was in my car pulling out of the drive way. Class was starting in 5 minutes and I wasn't even half way to school, so I decided to skip first period and go later. I was listening to music blasting the speakers when my stomach started growling. I decided to head to Mc Donald's since I hadn't had any breakfast. Once there I ordered a sausage biscuit, and a caramel ice coffee. Once I had eaten I went to the fair, i remember seeing it on my way to get breakfast and their was nothing left to do since i still had about an hour left until 2 and period started. I was walking around the fair seeing the rides they had this year and then I stopped in front of one. It was the haunted house I personally wasn't afraid of it but it brought back memories
~ Chappara let's get on this one .
No I'm scared, it looks scary.
Aww cmon please I won't let anything happen to you.
Ugh fine but if I die of a heart attack I'm suing you.
Seems fair enough.
Its ok Chappara I'm here~

I remember that clearly, it turned into a kiss afterwards .
I had 30 minutes until class started so I headed to school. Once I got to school the bell rang so I headed straight to second period .
The rest of the day was just boring nothing Interesting happened. During the whole day I kept having the same flash back.
Finally the day is over.
I walk to the parking lot. I get in my car and start to drive when I see a car 3 spots in front of me get hit by a car from

that clearly, it turned into a kiss afterwards .
I had 30 minutes until class started so I headed to school. Once I got to school the bell rang so I headed straight to second period .
The rest of the day was just boring nothing Interesting happened. During the whole day I kept having the same flash back.
Finally the day is over.
I walk to the parking lot. I get in my car and start to drive when I see a car 3 spots in front of me get hit by a car from
the highway I recognize the car instantly
I've seen the driver a couple of times when she gets inside her car.
I get out as fast as I can I run to the car that was now in the ditch. I now had tears in my eyes I feared the worst.
I open the drivers door and there she was my Chappara I got her out and layed her on the grass. Sirens were heard and soon the paramedics arrived they took her while I stayed there watching them attend her and take her and before I knew it the ambulance left getting farther away by the second. I stood there shocked by what I had just seen.
I went back to my car and headed home.

A Few Hours Later

After i took a shower I layed on my bed thinking about what had just happened, i looked at the clock and read 5:00, O' CLOCK it was getting late I headed out the door without responding my mom asking where i was going.  I got in my car and drove off. Once
I arrived at my destination with a dozen pink roses.  I started asking myself if i should go Inside or should I leave.
Suddenly the doors slide open just as I had decided to leave
"David what are you doing here".

My EverythingTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang