The Troublesome Start of the Winged 5

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"C'mon Cassy, we'll be late!!" you whined.

"Ugh, but... do we have to go, can't we wait till the next generation go in, we'll be with angels our own age...roughly...sorta...don't look at me like that...oh fine!"

You were the youngest out of the class that you were placed into; thankfully you shared that role with your brother Castiel. Even though you two were twins – Cas, being older by a few minutes – he always felt like he had to protect you, but yet you always seemed to have that edge over him, just slightly. The two of you were introduced to the class, and took your seats at a back table. Castiel seemed to be really nervous, whilst you were just really excited.

A break time came around after a few hours of class, and you were eager to get to know the other angels, but at the same time were worried for your brother, he wasn't so comfortable in them situations. However when you went outside, you couldn't find your brother, and you decided to take a risk and meet someone new, you would see him back in class...wouldn't you? You went to go talk to a group of girls until you noticed a boy, taller than you with spikey blonde hair, quite upset, he looked angry as he marched in front of you, not noticing that you were there. Your eyes followed him, and then you noticed Cas. The boy stopped in front of him, you watched to see how your brother would react, but then suddenly you noticed the boy started pushing him around, infuriated you ran towards them and pushed the boy over.

"Pick on someone your own size!" you shouted at him. Helping Castiel up, you searched him to see if there were any cuts. "I'm fine Y/N" Cas had said in a quiet whisper. The older boy had gotten back on his feet and had hurt in his eyes; he searched you up and down and gave a small laugh.

"Who do you think you are?! Pushing me over!" you glared up at the boy,

"No, WHO do you think you are?! Picking on younger angels, just because you're taller and maybe older, doesn't mean I can't kick your butt, blonde!" He looked straight into your eyes, and then glanced back at your brother, then back to you.

"Just stay out of my way" he said quietly but loud enough for you to hear. He walked away, head bowed down. You noticed that there was hurt in his eye, but you knew it wasn't from you pushing him over, you didn't know what it was, but felt best to leave him alone. Turning around to your brother, you hugged him tightly and then dragged him back to class. Your first day at school didn't turn out how you had expected, but you were happy...sorta...

You weren't as excited to go back to school, and Cas, wasn't so keen. You noticed he felt really small, and he felt ashamed that he couldn't stand up for himself.

"Don't worry Cassy, I'm not gonna leave you today, and I know if it was me, you would have done the same, we've got each other and always will do. You'll always be my brother, my 4 minute older brother." A smile spread across his face, he looked at you and took your hand in his and ran to your class. You arrived just on time and found that the teacher had rearranged the seats, and had put name tags on the tables for each angel to find their correct table. You looked around the tables and found you and your brother's names, still sitting beside each other, you also found the tall boy sitting opposite your brother's table, slumped over his desk with his head in his arms. You didn't say anything and took your seat; Cas had hesitated for a moment. The teacher had stated that these were your group tables and you would be sitting there for the rest of the school year, and the first task of the day was to get to know your table members and create a group name.

"This is stupid" you muttered, mainly to yourself, but the boys at your table heard, and all said 'Agreed' at the same time, causing a smile to cross your face. You were the only girl at the table, but it didn't seem to bother you. You all had proceeded to continue the task that was given. At your table you had Castiel to your left, Gabriel across from you, and Lucifer beside him – that was situated across from Cas – and Balthazar situated beside Cas but was in between him and Lucifer. You found out that that Lucifer and Gabriel were brothers and archangels. The five of you had a hard time coming up with a name for your group, since it was meant to be based on something you all had in common, frustrated you blustered out,

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