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I look in the mirror, smoothing over my dress. I open my door. Glancing over at Eric, who was sat right next to my dressing room.

"You look pretty," Eric compliments, taking a pause. I smile brightly over at him as he stands up.

"Thank you." It's odd how just a few weeks ago he was trying every excuse to get out of being here tonight, now, he's done a complete 180.

"Hey," I breathe out, unsure if he'd have even answered my phone call.

"What's up?" He inquires, sounding like he'd just had the wind removed from his lungs. Throwing me a bit off with my questioning.

"You remember what you told me when we first had met?" Silently praying that he in fact does so I don't have to attend Cameron's wedding solo.

"Yeah, why?" Sounding confused, I smirk slightly. Gaining a bit of confidence.

"Will you go to a wedding as my plus one?" He goes silent, assumably thinking about how to weasel himself out of this situation.

"Do I have to?"

"You owe me, please." I plead, crossing my fingers that he agrees and I don't have to attend another one of my brothers weddings alone.

"Just let me know when it is, so I can rent a tux or whatever." He replies, clearly uninterested.

"Thank you! I appreciate you so much." I breathe out.

"Now, my parents can meet the man who I spent all my time with Freshman year." I tease before hanging up.


I wipe the stray tears from my eyes, not wanting to completely ruin my makeup. Despite my feet hurting, the ceremony was perfect. It's crazy how the youngest out of all of my brothers is newly wed. Out of the 4 of us that are unmarried, I'm the only single one. It stings, having to deal with frequent weddings by myself or with random dates, but there's nothing that I can really do about it.

"Are you going to cry and sit here like a loser, or are you going to dance with me. So I don't look like a loser." Eric holds his hand out in front of me. I laugh, crumpling up my tissue used to clean up my streaky mascara. I take his hand, he leads me out onto the dance floor, a slow tune causing all the couples to become inseparable, including the freshly married couple. He spins me around, swaying back and forth, me following his lead.

"Smooth moves." I comment, smiling at him.

"I try." He answers back, as he slowly dips me. He returns me to a standing position. I close the gap between us, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"You're full of surprises." I comment, he laughs nervously, the song fades into a fast paced song, forcing us to separate. We decide to sit down at the table, a perfect time for me to introduce Eric to my family. He pulls out my chair for me, then sits down next to me. I look across the table at James, and Cathy; his girlfriend, Ethan and Chantal; Ethan's gorgeous wife, Brian and Sophia; his wife and my parents.

"This is who you won't stop talking about?" Ethan teases, I roll my eyes.

"To be fair, most of the time, I was complaining." I point out, Eric tosses an offended look my way.

"I didn't do anything!"  Enzo defends, hands in the air.

"That's why I complained." I retort with a smirk.

"What's your name again, son?" Dad asks, glancing harshly at my friend.

"Eric." He answers with a smile.

"How come he's here?" Mom asks curiously.

"I owed her a little favor." He replies honestly.

"For what?" Brian looks between the two of us.

"I had to do a project by myself." I shrug.

"Cute couple." Chantal compliments, smiling brightly between the two of us.

"Oh, I'm not, we're not. I'm actually dating someone right now." He denies, shaking his head.

"Sarina? Was that her name?" I try to recall.

"No, Megan." He informs, looking away from the group, just at me.

"But, I've tried to set her up on dates. She refuses." Eric shares.

"Oh guys, I've got good news." I tell my family, their faces contort, unsure of what that means.

"I got a job, or an opportunity at least."

"Where at?" Eric asks, slightly shocked.

"I've got tryout dates for FCW, down in Florida." I turn my attention away from my family and onto him. I feel kind of guilty for this. Eric's mentioned how his dream is to go to the WWE, and now, I'm in one of their developmental brands, I feel as if I'm taking his spot.

"Oh, I'll uh be back." A sad tone cutting through the air as he stands up, walking as quickly away from the table as he possibly could.

"Perfect." I mutter underneath my breath.

"Is he alright?" Chantal asks as I stand up, knowing that I should find him.

"Yeah, he's always wanted to wrestle." I share. Mom nods her head, completely understanding.

"I'm going to go find him." I stalk off, walking outside the venue. Knowing that he's more than likely out here. I spot him, towards the back door, sitting on a bench.

"Ya know, it's not nice to leave your date alone." I tease, he glances back at me, but continues to sit with his hands in his head. I sit down next to him. I gently lean my head on his shoulder.

"I didn't mean to steal your dream." I start, he shakes his head.

"You didn't. I'm mad at myself for not trying harder to be where you're at." He reveals. I stay silent, unsure of what else he's going to say.

"So, let's go inside and join the party." He jumps up, startling me a tad bit. He holds his hand out for me. I accept it as he helps me up. Taking my hand, he leads me into the venue. Slow music pumping through the speakers, he's quick to start dancing with me. Allowing me to put my head on his shoulder. Everything about tonight, just feels right.

EA Stole My Heart - E. AmoreDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora