Chapter Two

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The following day as I applied my make up, fixed my hair and changed my clothes. There was a knock at the door, so I went to answer it. Not to my surprise it was Jordan, I knew he had connections to get my address! But of course I had to play the naive girl.

"How did you know where I lived?" I asked.

"Oh I have my ways." He smirked.

"I bet!" I mumbled. I was about to close my door but he stuck his feet in between the door and the frame. I'm telling you the way to get a guy like Jordan to want you is to play hard to get.

If I play easy he will eventually get bored and move on.

"What do you want?" I ask as I rest my head on the frame.

"A date with" He answered.

"I have to work and I don't get out until late at night." I responded.

"Don't worry about it , I already called your job and requested the day off for you." He winked.

"Who do you think you are?" I questioned.

"Jordan Kingsmen!" He made gestures with his hands.

"I'm gonna pass." I slowly started to close my door but once again he stopped the door from fully closing.

"You know you want to go out with me. Every girl does." He said.

"I'm not every girl!" I nodded.

"Give me a chance you won't regret it." He answered.

"Fine!" I rolled my eyes.

Jordan immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my apartment. He lead me to his nice car as his driver opened the door for us. He let me go in first and he quickly entered after I did.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"It's a surprise." He placed his hand on my lap.

I quickly removed his hand off of me. Like I said I wasn't making it easy for him. If he wanted me, he was going to have to work for it. I'm no ordinary girl! I'm unique and I'm not gonna let him get his way like he does with every other girl. I'm Eva Wentz (or Millie Carr as he knows me) and I'm different.

"So Millie tell me more about yourself." He leaned backwards.

"Oh no! Whatever information you want to know, you are going to have to work for it." I smiled.

"You are not going to make this easy are you?" He pouted.

"Like I said I'm not every girl." I chuckled.

"Thats what I like about you." He winked.

I rolled my eyes as I stared out the window. His sweet words weren't going to get to me. I had to be strong and that is exactly what I was gonna be. Plus playing hard to get was a way to make it harder on myself not to catch any feelings for him. That is rule number one, don't fall for your target. Never fall in love! And I wasn't planning on doing that at all.


We arrived at a restaurant, a Kingsmen restaurant to be more specific. Jordan was a gentleman throughout the whole dinner from beginning to end! He had a whole days worth of plans. And I mean it was planned out to a tee, I'm talking about red roses, a dozen to be exact, candle lit lunch, and a bottle of champagne accompanied with a box of chocolates. I had to wonder, though, how many has he done this with.

"You know you have a beautiful smile." Jordan sipped his champagne.

"Oh yeah and how many women have you tried that on?" I raised my eyebrow.

"Tried what?" He replied.

"The line, the date, everything." I whispered.

"One!" He answered.

"Am I supposed to believe that?" I ask.

"One hundred percent." He responded.

I rolled my eyes once again as I took a bite of my chicken parmesan. He had his charming ways and I know that's one of the reasons why women drop their panties for him. That and he's most definitely good looking! But I can't be one of those, I can't be one of those girls that drops their panties easily. He's going to have to work for me. And that is what he's gonna do.

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