4. Standing Stationary

Start from the beginning

"What is this? It doesn't look good." Daehyun was checking the kimchi I bought.

For the first time I had the courage to speak to him without stuttering. "At least it's a kimchi! And I have good instincts, okay? It'll taste good."

"Whatever." He walked away.

"Hey! Wait for me! I don't want to get lost!" I catched up with him.

He suddenly stopped on his track, and turned towards me. "Do you like bubble tea?" I asked.

"Huh? Of course." He frowned.

I glanced at the guy who was wearing the store's apron and I knew he's going back to the store.

"I'll go get you one then. I can see the store from here. I want one too." I started walking, but I didn't see any shadow behind me.

"Aren't you going with me?" I looked back to him.

"No I'm not. I'm going to stay here. Too lazy." He shrugged.

"You sure? You'll stay here right? I will be lost if you're not here." I was panicking. I don't know the way to go home and how am I supposed to go home if he's not here?

"I'll stay on this spot. I won't go anywhere." He said.

As much as I would like to hit him with a rock because he doesn't want to go with me, I felt safe when he said that. I felt like I don't need to worry about anything.

I followed a guy that looked like one of the bubble tea employees and I could finally see the store 100 meters away from me but I accidentally bumped on to someone.

"I'm sor- Chanyeol?" My eyes widened.

"Minha? Didn't expect you walking around in this street." He smiled.

"Ah! Yes, I'm going to the bubble tea store. First time coming here so I don't really know where is where." I smiled back.

Suddenly droplets of rain fell on my face and I could tell that it's going to rain.

"Let's go inside. I don't want you to get soaked from the rain." Chanyeol slings his arms around my shoulder as we walked our way to the store. I was secretly smiling that he cared about me.

We sat on a table for two beside the window, as the clerk went her way to our table and asked our order. "What do you like?" Chanyeol asked me.

"I'd like to have one Strawberry Fruit Tea." I smiled.

"I'll have Milk Green Tea." He smiled and the clerk asked if we wanted anything else in which we replied no and the clerk left.

"Wow... it's starting to rain heavily." I looked at the window. "Worst part is, I forgot to bring an umbrella." I face palmed myself.

"Oh you don't need to worry about that! I have one here. I can just call my friend to pick me up." He smiled and gave me an umbrella.

"E-eh? B-but-" My eyes widened.

"It's alright, really." He smiled, and I took the umbrella from his hands.

10 minutes became 20 minutes. 20 minutes became 30 minutes. I didn't know I was enjoying too much time with him. I felt like I forgot something so important but I just couldn't remember what it is.

"That's why I'll never accompany him again!" Chanyeol laughed.

"Oh my god—that—" I was choking from my laugh. "How did you even—want to accompany him in the first place?" I tried to hold my laugh.

"Well I didn't know he was like that." He laughed and shrugged. "Speaking of accompany, who did you come here with? Or are you alone?" He asked.

"Ahh actually I—" I stopped.

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