At The Old Manor House

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Fifty Prairie Lane is a testament to the grandeur of centuries past and the wealth of its owners.

The old manor house sits on a meadow which overlooks the ocean and withholds secrets as old as the mansion itself. The brick exterior is covered by climbing roses and vines; the windows with granite sills are surrounded by dark mahogany frames. The windows overlook the well-manicured gardens which are surrounded by wild flower meadows; steps, made of pebbles and surrounded by battered wood posts, connect the gardens to the sea.

There are terraces and meandering paths across the green rolling grass to explore in fair weather. The wide dark wood floors are covered with plush Persian rugs; the first floor has formal and informal dining and entertaining areas as well as a large modern kitchen – which is only a dozen years old.  Also, the newer addition includes an expansion to the family room with a wall of windows to overlook the gardens and meandering paths.

There is also a library where shelves and nooks are full. It is obvious the inhabitants, a family of four, have a love affair with books; the newest popular novels, as well as old well known titles, and ancient first editions easily co-exist. Board games, puzzles and desk toys are neatly stacked atop of game tables. Some of the walls are covered with tapestries, portraits of Ladies and Lords of generations past, masterpieces worth of museum galleries, and images of the Greys.

The Greys, the family of four, consist of a girl – Phoebe - about to enter her tween years, her thirteen year old brother, and their parents. Often, the girl enjoys the first edition of Charlotte’s Web while her brother dreams of Quidditch matches. Mrs. Grey, their mother, lives a thousand lives as Mr. Grey quests for energy, security and the remaking of the modern world.  Right now, however, the library is silent; the girl dances with dreams of swans and lakes at a faraway studio; the boy trades baseball cards before his game at the diamond field.

Mrs. Grey is in her sitting room, thinking of the children, and the publishers she needs to confront; but most of all, she thinks of Mr. Grey. She closes her eyes and takes a deep cleansing breath and smiles - she has to decide what needs to be done.

The bedrooms are on the second and third levels; some of which are simple yet stylish; while others are over the top glamorous; all have immaculate marble bathrooms. Wrought iron and marble stair cases connect the different levels; each level has marble fireplaces which warm the inside in cold winter nights.

However, he is bellow; bellow the basement, further down the five-star wine cellar; in an area that seems to have been carved from hard rock. There are no windows here; the only light is provided by a crystal chandelier, the cement floor is heated, and on one side of the room there is a large fireplace. Next to the fireplace is a well-appointed water closet and shower.

Naked, and kneeling on a rug by the dungeon’s entrance, he awaits for his Mistress; his legs parted pointing to different corners of the room, and his arms interlaced behind his back.

Around the chandelier, there are tracks with locking mechanisms for suspension. Hanging on one of the walls, there are floggers and some implements on display such as rings, vibrators, and plugs; all of which can be used for both pain and pleasure. However, there are no belts, or paddles because Mistress finds them unpleasantly harsh.

The furnishings are antiques. On the opposite side of the fireplace is a large alcove with floral tapestry surrounding an antique bed; the bed is exquisitely carved to imitate wicker interwoven with floral motifs; also, there are two settee sofas at either side. It is reminiscent of Marie-Antoinette’s bedroom.

He hears her before he sees her. Her high heels clicking on the stone floor – click clop, click clop.

He takes a deep breath and lowers his head. He is trying hard not to smile and he can barely hide his smirk; for distraction, his grey eyes focus on the latex thong he is wearing. It is black with three small belts and buckles that contain his length; his groin is painfully throbbing and tugging. The thong is much too restricting; his eyes water as his erection grows.

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