Tsuna In The Past Part 6

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While Tsuna is to busy to notice that Alaude has entered his room with him he starts to undress as he walks to the washroom to take a relaxing bath to get his mind off of the two guys that keep popping up. Alaude chuckles quietly so the boy doesn't notice him as he is watching the young man undress, that is when he notices a few deep scars on Tsuna's body, a big deep big X mark on his back and a few random scars on his sides and shoulders. Alaude wonders where Tsuna got those and is slightly enraged at whoever placed those scars on the sweet boys soft looking skin. Alaude watches as Tsuna goes into the washroom and shuts the door behind him. So he slowly and quietly goes into Tsuna's bed and lays down. As soon as Tsuna is done with his bath he dries himself off and puts on the clothes that Giotto has lent to him which are big on his small body. Tsuna gets into his bed completely unknowing that Alaude is there and passes out. Alaude who is shocked that the boy hasn't noticed him yet moves over to the sleeping boy and wraps his arms around him and pulls him closer to his chest. Tsuna snuggles into the new warmth and breaths a content sigh. Alaude looks down at the boy and smiles at how adorable he is being towards him, as he let's Tsuna sleep since it seems he tired himself out he strokes his hair and hums gently to help Tsuna have a pleasant sleep. In Tsuna's dream he is dreaming that Alaude is beside him cuddling with him and being very gentle and unknowing that this isn't actually a dream. As Tsuna 'dreams' he keeps his eyes closed and lifts his face closer to Alaude and kisses the man on the lips and says "I love you, goodnight Alaude." And then he lays right back into his chest and passes out for real this time. Alaude blushes and snuggles closer to Tsuna and falls asleep beside him.

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