19.0 Zero_Chapter 8: On a Hill

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A Hero, a Demon Lord, a Goddess and me, sitting around a campfire. Quite the strange scene, wouldn't you say?

As I lay on my back while enjoying the heat of the campfire burning beside me, I cast my thoughts back to what had caused this unusual gathering.


After leaving Reneste, I sat on a small, green hill and explored my ability. After all, I'd had almost no time to experiment before I'd heard Clare's scream and rushed over.

Feels like that happened such a long time ago now... I thought, feeling a little sad.

As I sat on the hill, I used Map to observe everything on Erath. I followed the lives of a few ordinary people to understand how life was like for them here. I also observed the behaviors of nobles, kings, adventurers, priests and just about every other social group on Erath.

I also used re:write to find the strongest people in this world and observed them for a while. The six Goddesses were on that list, although surprisingly, apart from the Dark Goddess, the others weren't in their shrines and it didn't seem like they spent a lot of time there either. And they way they had chosen to live their lives was interesting, to say the least.

The Hero and the Demon Lord were on that list too of course, and so I observed Lily training in the Light King's Palace and Runir traveling across Erath while pretending to be a merchant. I was surprised when I learned that they had been summoned from Earth because the spell I'd used to come to this world shouldn't have had an effect like that.

Also on the list was the Demon General that had kicked Runir out of his castle, a few warriors, knights and adventurers as well as some monsters and other beings.

But as I gathered information about Erath, what really surprised me was the event called the 'Haze' and the concept of 'Fate'. After I found out about them, I decided that I needed to learn more about this world and its people before I implemented the plan that was forming in my head.

After all, now that I knew what I could do, I needed to learn what I should do.

Some of the applications of my ability that I had thought up on the hill were frighteningly powerful. In fact, I'd fantasized about quite a lot of ways to apply my ability back when I was first designing my character and although those ideas had seemed ridiculous back then, now they were perfectly feasible.

And so I saved a bunch of new 'favorites.'

Some of them were very convenient, such as 'Cure,' which was meant to remove all ailments and toxins from the targets body, and 'Detect,' which would alert me whenever any hostility was directed towards me.

But when I began modifying myself, I started thinking that my ability was way too convenient. I rewrote my senses so that they would be more acute but also made myself immune to sensory overload, so that strong smells or bright lights wouldn't faze me. I removed the need to excrete or to cut my hair or nails and I also made it so that my glasses wouldn't fall off my face. I also made the glasses indestructible. And then I saved a large, nested code by the name 'God Mode,' but let's not get into that right now.

Because the really scary part was when I started rewriting forces, space and of course, time. These were the 'favorites' that were so terrifyingly convenient that I knew that they would kill the fun in everything.

There was another thing that I did on the hill; I looked out for Clare. I didn't check her status because I didn't want to know the answer to that question yet, but I did make sure that she was doing alright. I used a new favorite called 'Alarm' to setup a warning system that would alert me whenever the target was in danger.

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