Part 2

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Madhu was deep in her thoughts of what happened at the past, they were getting ready for the release of RK's new film, after so much of convincing RK was sent first, as maya was still in her sleepy mode,Radha and Madhu decided to stay some more time and then join later with him when maya get back from her sleep. And then the disaster happened, there was a bomb blast, the bomb was set in the car in which RK was travelling, and luckily the bomb blasted, when he just stepped out of the car, and he was thrown away with the blast, and he was taken to the hospital immediately, where he was treated for nearly a month, after which he regained consciousness, but unluckily, he remembered everything before Madhu entered his life, he forgot what has happened after that. And even after continuous pleading from Radha, he didn't want to see Madhu or talk to her. He was back to his rude form.

The party was going on full swing, she instructed everything from being in her room, but then she heard his voice, and with anxiety she slightly poked her head out of the door, and saw the dreadful sight of her Rishab wildly kissing a girl and chewing her lips, she shut herself again in the room,and quickly left the place in the name of sickness. After she was parted from her Rishab, she has seen many such articles about him, and heard many rumors about him, but had not witnessed anything,so she was sure that he would not do any such cheap things, but today after witnessing what he had done with another girl, she felt disgusting being loved by him and kissed by him in the same way. She meant that kiss,and that passion was only for her, but seeing him doing it in the same way for another girl, killed her heart.

She shut herself inside her room,and Maya was sent to school in her school bus, and Madhu took off from her work for few days, and after few days, Maya missed her school bus in the evening, and she being a smart child decided to go back home alone seeing the busy streets. And on her way, she found a car approaching her crossing the speed limit, and then she found the car to be her Dadi's, she wondered why Dadi was driving too fast, and when the car was about to hit her, it stopped in few millimeter gap,and the person driving the car, came down near her, and found her crying by closing her face within her palms, and it strike him, that someone close to him, used to cry like that. 

He felt his head spinning a little and he held his head for a moment,and then the girl's cry brought him back to senses, he just took her hands from his eyes forcefully, and Maya got scared and stepped backwards.He felt that he has seen this fear, this eyes, he felt that he know this little girl, but he has no clues.He knelt down to her height, and he brought her close to him, wiped her tears, as her tears cause pain to his heart, he offered her a drive with him, and bought her toys, chocolates,and gave autograph to her,and dropped her home, and he left.

 Madhu was tensed and she was roaming here and there, since Maya was not back, she was already late by half an hour from her daily routine, she was calling her school, and was about to cry, when Maya came in with loads of toys and chocolates,and seeing Madhu crying,she dropped everything,and went and hugged her, since Maya doesn't know the name of the person, she didn't mention it to Madhu, just informed her that,one uncle dropped her and gifted her with toys and chocolates and Madhu didn't mind to ask about it, since she was happy that her daughter is back.

And at night, RK remembered the time he spent with the small girl, he forgot to ask her name, he felt very happy and lively being with her, he seems to knew her from before, but when he started to think about it, again he got his head ache, and he went to drink further.Days passed by. Later one day, when RK was in a mall with a girl, he was surrounded by his fans, he felt suffocated and want to get out of that place, at the same time he felt someone pulling his hand, he lowered his head to find the same girl standing there.He picked her up in his arms and asked "Hey princess, how come you are here,came with your mama or papa?" She replied that she came with her friend and her mom, since her mama was not feeling well. He asked "So what u can come here with your papa na?" the smile on her face was wiped away and she told "My papa don't have time to spend with me. He never loves me", and with that she came down on her feet and ran away.

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