chapter 15

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Lala pov

I walked off on them talking. I wasn't talking to d for a while because of what happened but now we have to talk about every thing even the baby. I know I have to watch my back when it comes to Kim because the bitch is a snake and snakes get fucked up every time look what happen to the devil.

D: hey lala

Ma: hey d

D:so you wanted to talk

Me: yes, look I love you but what happened hurt my feeling but I'm willing to for give you and move forward with everything we have a baby to bring in this world we have school to finish

D: I agree I'm sorry I let that bullshit happen I love you and I just want everything to be cool with us and our baby but watch out for Kim

Me: I know baby I know

A huge and we kissed I went to class.

D pov

I love this girl I can't lose her over no bullshit with kim. I had to make some moves tonight I didn't know if I should tell lala about my side hustle I don't want her to get mad but I make ove 2 million a night. I'll make her dinner then tell her everything.

Small update

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