First Day {1}

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Zoe's POV

It's a sunny kind of morning where the clouds are like big, fluffy clouds of marshmallow. Joe is practically jumping up and down in his seat and is constantly pointing out the planes in the sky. Mum is busy focusing on the road and I'm picking my nail polish off nervously. Today is the first day at my new school and saying I'm nervous is an understatement.

The car pulls up at a massive school with big fences around it and I can't help thinking it's slightly like a prison.

It's magnificent and I just stare at it for a minute before mum tells me to get out the car. Butterflies are fluttering in my stomach and I briefly feel like I'm going to be sick.

I get out with my bags and I hug my little brother Joe who has come to say goodbye to me. To be honest, I think he just wants a day off school. He can be annoying but I know I'm going to miss him so much.

"Stay safe big sis," he says sadly and I get the feeling that he will miss me even though I annoy him.

"I will, I promise!" I say back to him and ruffle his hair.

"Off you go sweetie, this is your new home," mum says before kissing me on my forehead. I wave goodbye and then I face the school again with apprehension filling me.

I walk up the cobbled path and I wave one last time as the car pulls out of the gates. I guess there's no turning back now.

I walk to the door and go in; I look around at everyone and my eyes land on a boy sat alone waiting for someone. He looks up and I instinctively look away. I'm not good at dealing with people.

I walk over to the front desk and clear my throat. There is a lady at the desk with greying hair that is pulled into a tight bun and she's wearing a dark red lipstick on her slightly pruned lips. She looks intimidating and slightly scary.

"Excuse me?" I say quietly, feeling very nervous.

"Yes? Hello sweetie, what do you want?" The lady behind the desk says nicely. I relax slightly but I'm still clutching my bags so tightly that my knuckles are white.

"I'm the new girl. I'm Zoe Sugg."

"Oh yes! Follow me to your dorm," she grabs some keys and walks down the corridor. I try and take everything in but it's all so new.

This school looks like it's come straight out of a book; it's like going back in time to the era of extravagant schools.

She stops at one door and she unlocks it. I step in hesitantly and she gives me the keys before walking off. But before I can shut the door, the boy I saw earlier walks over to me.

"Hey Beautiful," he says to me and I'm shocked. No one calls me that.

No boy has ever found me remotely attractive and most see me like a little sister. So the fact that this boy is even throwing a glance in my direction is slightly unnerving. What can he see in me?

"Hi," I reply back shyly and I look down at my feet in hopes that he can't see me blushing.

"I see you're new, I'm Alfie Deyes," he smiles at me and I slowly smile back.

"Zoe Sugg."

"Well I need to talk to my mates. But I'll see you around," he runs off before I can even say goodbye. I watch him as he high fives another boy and he disappears.

"Bye," I whisper before closing the door and I lean against it. I grin widely and flop onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

I begin to unpack my things and lay them out on my desk; I still feel nervous but that encounter with Alfie Deyes has made me rethink my priorities.

Whatever will happen next? I can tell my time here will be interesting.

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