Destination XVI: New York City

Start from the beginning

"Okay!" Roland rushed over to his dad, still holding the stuffed monkey.

Regina slid the piece of Robin's arrow into her pocket and walked briskly inside. She walked up the stairs and turned into her and Robin's bedroom. She placed the arrow piece on her bedside table before opening the drawer and picked up the piece of the Olympian crystal Gold had taken. She nearly shut the drawer before something else caught her eye. Her hand brushed over a piece of tree bark. The memory came rushing back to Regina;

Will approached Regina, sitting on the ground with her back to a tree. She continued looking straight forwards as a piece of bark fell to the ground.

"Go away," Regina snarled.

"Pick it up."

Regina sighed and picked up the bark that Will had dropped. She was about to ask why he had it, but stopped when she flipped it over. On the back was a carving of an apple with an arrow slicing through it.

"He made it for you, but never got the chance to give it to you before he had to go off to New York," Will said quietly.

"H-He did?"

Will nodded.

"Thank you," Regina whispered.

Regina picked up the piece of bark and traced her finger over the carving. She slipped it into her pocket and closed the drawer. She jumped when she heard the door opening.

"It's just me," Robin assured her. "You ready?"

Regina turned to face her fiancé and nodded. "Yeah." She walked over to Robin and pulled him into a slow kiss.

Robin broke it and rested his forehead against Regina's. "All due respect, Milady, Roland's waiting for us in the car."

Regina smiled. "I know. I just... I love you."

"I love you too."


Emma's yellow bug was the last car to pull of at the town line. Emma hopped out and rushed over to Regina's car and tapped on the window. Regina rolled it down. "Yes?"

"Do you have the crystal?"

Regina held it up and Emma nodded. "Alright, I'll lead the way since I've driven there before, and you and Neal can follow. Do you have the address in case you lose us?"

Regina nodded. "We'll be fine."

"Okay. We'll stop for lunch around one, but call me if Roland needs to go to the bathroom or something."

"I know, I know."

"Then I'll see you for lunch."


Several hours later, three cars parked outside the building where Neal's apartment was. Regina, Robin, Neal, and Roland walked inside first and everyone else entered five minutes later so no one would get suspicious.

Once inside the apartment, Regina headed straight for the bedroom and pulled Robin's book off of the shelf. She opened the cover and pulled out the envelope that held Robin's letter to her. She took the letter out and read it, the words exactly as she remembered from the dream. Regina read over it several times before she folded the letter up and wiped away the tears that had begun to fall.

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