Important note!

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So I've been thinking.

I think I wanna have a new story going after I get done with this one. So maybe after the 60th chapter I'm done with this book. 😳

I'm still going to be on Wattpad, but not on this book. And besides I think I'm losing readers. I mean what can I say I'm not that good of a author.

The next few chapters will be lit. I promise. Just wanted to thank all my kind readers. You guys really made my day everytime I go back and read your guys comment.

And this also got me thinking.

Is Ross and Laura ever going to get together?

When will Ross realize Laura's the one?

Those are like my top questions right now.

But anyways back to the topic.

I wanna give a big shout out to my most top 5 readers ever!

First we have TheWidowR5
Your amazing when you commented first and wanting an award for arriving 3 times in a row. 😻 and you will get a big shout out for loving the plot and story line. I obviously loved your comments because they made my day. Freak it. Everyone's did. Hope you get to read my next story that coming out soon. Ilysm. ❤

Second we have rauraneedstohappen
Wow. What can I even say about you? Well let's see. Your incredible for reading my story. Your comments pick me up when I'm depressed. Even though I feel sad everyday. 🔹 just wanted to give you a big shout out for loving every chapter I upload. And I'm. Thankful for that. Hope you read my next story coming out soon. ❤

Third we have raura-all-the-way
Jesus! You bring hope to me when I'm having second thoughts. Your comments do honestly. 💗 your obviously amazing. I love your comments and even if we can't see each other face to face; your beautiful. Hopefully you get to read my next story coming out. Ilysm!! 💖

Forth we have omgrauslly
Let's get straight to the point! You comment more than once and I've that about you. Stay a raura shipper though whatever happens. 💖 your comments are life to me. Not to them. and gurll. Your story 'fanmail' is amazing. I love it. Hopefully you'll stay in touch when I leave and make a new story and once we can reunite. Ilysm! ❤

Fifth we have Liss_10
Hey you!! The girl that wanted to be in one of my chapters. 😂 but your extremely awesome!! Always keep in touch with me! Your comments are some what funny and really touching. 💗 oh and I love you so much too!! ❤ read my next story that might be coming out soon. 💖

^^^ love you all up there!!

And if you weren't up there don't feel offended. I still love you guys and always will. In fact I'll just list some down below.


- that's all I could have tagged. -

But anyways. Read my next story that will be uploaded and worked on after this story.

You guys really impacted my life on Wattpad. 💖

Thank you so much. 😭🔴

Ily. You guys so much!! 💖💖

  You guys so much!!  💖💖

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[] Enjoy this!! []

Bye beloved kitties!! 💓

Raura as Pranksters (Completed )Where stories live. Discover now