Chapter 1

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"Iris Walker" I heard the sarcastic voice call. I stopped walking to my class and turned around to see the one and only Axl Heck.

"Axl Heck" I replied sarcastically. I wonder what he wants. All he ever does is tease me which really annoys me and he knows it.

"Are you ready for Math class?" He asked as he started to walk beside me. Something is wrong with him...

"Did you're mom drug you?" I asked, he just chuckled under his breath and didn't answer. We arrived and sat in the usual seats. I sat on a row with three friends while Axl sat on the row in front of me with his friends.

The classroom was set out a little differently to the others. There were four rows going vertical across the classroom. There were two tables which were two seated - given the reason why I sat with three friends.

On the other side of the classroom, it was the exact same layout. So it was a classroom that was meant to seat 32 people altogether.


Our teacher, Mr John had handed out glue sticks and scissors.

"Stick these sheets into your books, you'll need them later"

Everyone began to speak to each other as they stuck the sheet in as instructed, there was still around half the lesson left. My friends passed their glue sticks down to me even though I was closest to the wall.

I lined them up, perfectly straight as I waited for the rest of the class to stick their sheet in. As I was daydreaming, Axl turned around and saw the perfectly lined up glue as a chance to annoy me.

"Hey Iris...." He started, I thought we were going to have a civilised conversation until he made me lose all trust for him.

With one quick swipe of his hand, the glue went flying over the classroom. He smirked and quickly turned back around.

"Iris just threw glue at me!" One cheerleader exclaimed as I sat there with my mouth wide open. Axl just covered his mouth with his hand as he laughed.

"Iris, detention." Mr John said dully, he was so boring.

"But-" I was cut off by Mr John telling me 'no buts'. I sighed and glared at Axl.


The class finally ended and as soon as I got out, I waited by the door. As soon as Axl walked out the door I slapped him really hard at the back of his head.

"Ow!" He said as he turned around and saw me.

"Oh. Hi Iris" He said, I laughed as his reaction changed but stopped immediately.

"No! You got me detention I am not happy with you." I said, he laughed a little sarcastic laugh.

"When are you ever happy with me?" He asked.

"Very, VERY rare times" I said.

"So you have been happy with me before?" He asked smiling to himself.

"NO!" I said and walked away with my friends, hoping he wouldn't bring it up later...


A/N - So my first chapter of my new story is completed! I know it is already a massive change to my other one Highschool but you'll manage I hope...

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