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Mercedes went to find cam so they can be a family with conner so found cam
Selena went to look for Justin so they can date
Nicole and Nash started dating
Mercy PoV
I found cam we are in our room getting ready to meet Hayes girlfriend at breakfast
I think Justin and Selena went home (no they never so breakfast will be awkward )
Yes me and cam got back together we are talking it slow

**RECAP**Mercedes went to find cam so they can be a family with conner so found cam Selena went to look for Justin so they can date Nicole and Nash started dating -------------------------------------------------------Mercy PoV I found cam we are ...

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outfits for every one ^^
—------------------------------------------------—Cams PoV
I found mercy and we got back together we're takeing  it slow because we  don't want to ruin it right now we're in our room getting ready to meet Hayes girlfriend  and breakfast will be awkward because Justin and Selena might still be here

Selena PoV
Me and Justin got back together because mercy broke up with Him and cam brake up with me and mercy and cam spent the night together

Justin PoV
Me and Selena got back together last night because cam broke up with her and mercy broke up with me cam and mercy spent the night together so I'm guessing there back together I hope breakfast won't be awkward because we're meeting Hayes girlfriend

Raising Cameron Dallas baby boy Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora