Vampire and Slayer-(12 Flowers)

Start from the beginning

"I'd like to speak to Aerie. Alone," he added when she didn't move.

"Make me," she breathed, her voice icy. I had never realized she cared this much. But her words sent my mind into a frenzy. My eyes snapped open and I glared at Ben with a deadly stare, almost daring him to obey her order.

"I'd rather not," he was watching me and answering the two of us.

"Then when I open my eyes I don't want to see you again, Ben." She had taken on a semi-sarcastic tone. His eyes turned soft, pleading. He had something he needed to tell me, but he wasn't going to get the chance. I had to be mad. I had to be angry. It would make it all easier.

I couldn't do it. "It's alright, April," I said, my voice polite, my eyes, still black and trained on Ben's.

"But, Aerie, I don't think-"

I looked to her with a weak smile as I cut her off. "I'll be fine. Don't worry. I need to speak to him anyways."

"Are you sure?" her eyes were searching and worried.

"Yeah. Positive."

She sighed, kissed my cheek, then turned to scrutinize Ben one last time. Seemingly unhappy with what she saw, I could tell she was contemplating sitting on his feet. Instead, she stalked off to Film Appreciation, in an apparent huff.

"Hey," I was short.


"What is it you want?"

"Do you like the flowers?" he was hopeful.


"Be serious, please Aerie."

"Why? Why, Ben? Why? What is my motivation? So you shower me with flowers? I'm serious when I'm saying stay away." I then followed April's example and stormed off.

He grabbed my arm. "Wait!"

"Don't. Touch. Me."

He sighed and let go. "Wait."

"For what? For you to turn into a vampire? I have nothing to wait for but the chance to be free," I said simply, turning to give him a look of despair and hatred.

His eyes fell shocked and I turned away.

He sat next to me in English. I gritted my teeth when he did, got up, and moved to sit on the other side of April, in a seat with no empty ones by it. I heard him sigh as Mr. Iltnew began preaching about section five of the Times Standard's review.

April passed me a pen once he was absorbed in his lecture. I stared at it blankly, not know why she was giving me an unneeded utensil. I glanced at her, puzzled. She picked up her pen and twisted the tip until it popped off. She turned it upside down and dumped the ink tube on the table. She then motioned to the pen she had given me.

I followed her unclear instructions to find a little piece of paper wrapped around the ink. Mentally I laughed. It was discreet version of passing notes. The message read:

Gosh, I'm soo sorry, Ariel.

He's being quite the jerk.

Is there anything I can do?

I quickly scribbled my own message and replaced the parts.

Besides pushing him off a

cliff, I don't know.

I knew he could read it from where he sat, that's partially why I wrote it.

Do you want to do something

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