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"Hey," Lauren spoke for the first time since arriving.

The woman stepped forward and Lauren instantly felt her skin begin to heat up. You know that itchy feeling you get when you're nervous? Lauren had never felt it like this before. She was honestly in pain from how attractive this woman was.

Her hair was in a messy bun, strands falling and framing her face. She had beautiful, deep brown eyes that turned metallic when the sun hit them. Her body was slim and she appeared to be a little older than me.

"Can we help you?" She spoke.

"Uh, yeah. I saw you're wanting to rent a room out here?" Lauren mentioned quite awkwardly. Charlie sighed as though he was relieved to have finally received someone asking about the room. Lauren instantly assumed this couple were desperate.

The woman stepped back out of the sunlight and made a hand gesture to suggest Lauren step inside. Charlie walked further into the house and Lauren followed him. The woman turned and Lauren's eyes immediately fell to her ass.

"So come and sit down and we'll get to know each other."

Lauren wondered why the woman spoke so...mature. She didn't look older than 20 but she spoke with the maturity of someone much older.

Lauren sat down across from the woman, while Charlie grabbed a toolbox from near the window. "Alright I've got to go to work, nice to meet you though."

Lauren's disinterest in the man was evident to everyone but Charlie. He closed the door and Lauren leant back on the couch, staring at the woman intriguingly. She raised an eyebrow while the woman stared back, seemingly uncomfortable. She broke eye contact and cleared her throat, crossing her right leg over the left and clasping her hands together.

"What's your name?"

"Lauren, yours?"

The woman's eyes widened momentarily at Lauren's sharpness. "My name's Camila."

"Camila," Lauren whispered. "Beautiful." One thing Camila didn't know; Lauren never used the adjective beautiful to describe anyone. Only in her creative essays at school would she use it to describe imagery, but never to someone's face.

Camila blinked a few times before staring down at the carpet. "How old are you?"


Camila glanced back at up Lauren, raising her eyebrows. "You're still in high school?" Lauren nodded. "I thought parents kicked their kids out when they were on their way to college," Camila joked dryly.

"Well you haven't met my parents," Lauren replied bluntly. Camila's smile faded immediately and she leaned forward slightly.

"Why are you here Lauren?" The way she said it made it seem a bit like an interrogation. One of those questions that don't just hang in the air but cut deep into your soul.

Lauren paused for a moment. She then leaned forward as well. "I need a bed."

"Well, you're in luck," Camila said quickly, standing up as if she wanted the conversation to be over. Lauren sensed Camila growing uncomfortable, but she decided not to question it if this woman was about to let her sleep here.

Camila walked silently down the hall and Lauren wheeled her suitcase behind her. Camila stopped outside a door and pushed it open when Lauren reached her.

"This will be your room," the shorter brunette stated. "I'll give you a sheet that has the pricing for rent. You don't have to pay bills, but you will have to pay for your own food."

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