"Evelyn! Dinner's ready!" my Mom shouted from downstairs startling me and I realize that I haven't changed yet. So I hurriedly opened up my closet and took out a sleeveless white linen dress which I wear usually for a special occassion. I tied my hair into a ponytail, brushed my bangs, and took a quick look in the mirror thinking, 'This will do'. I ran downstairs and sat on my chair at the dinner table.

"Going somewhere after dinner sprout?" Dad curiously asked upon seeing my chosen attire for dinner.

"Umm...Yes," I replied, "I wanted to go and check out my special place. Can I? "

"But you just got here." mom reminded me.

"I know but..."

"Honey, our daughter just came back home and she's an adult now so I think it would be best if you let her make her own decisions and besides, she probably prefers wandering around here than  in the city, right sprout?" my dad winked at me and smiled.

"Mom, please? I'll even take Orion with me. It will be very quick, I promise." I said pleadingly. Both my dad and I were silently staring at my mom waiting for her response.

"Fine, I can't disagree with your dad. You can go dear but finish your food first." my Mom conditionally sighed saying her approval.

I started eating a spoonful of mashed potatoes and stew. 'Delicious!' "Mmm...Mom, you make the meanest stew ever." I said talking with my mouth full.

My Dad quickly supported my praise chuckling and said "That's why I married her."

My Mom genuinely smiled, shaking her head at my father's joke and we continued eating her delicious stew.


Dinner was over and I head out back passing our backyard.  'Seems like mom planted new flowers'. I picked one and I turned around and headed towards our small stable. I opened the door and was greeted with the sounds of hooves.

"Hey boy, did you miss me?" I held his reigns and gently stroked his neck. My horse, Orion, calmed down to my touch. I quickly secured the saddle and rode him into the night.

We galloped from our house going into the woods. It's cold; It was a typical cold summer night. I shivered so I slowed down and pulled my coat closer to cover me. 'I never should have worn a dress outside. Well, it's too late to change clothes now.'

We made our way past the trees, a little meadow and a wide clearing. We went further and finally reached my tree. My tree was a solitary big old Oak tree at the middle of the forest. It was tall, towering the other oak trees around it and its thick, long branches looked like it was reaching up towards the sky and some were caressing the ground. It was very different from the other oak trees but for me it was the most beautiful among them all.

I remember that I found this place when I was eight. I was chasing this butterfly from the backyard and it led me here. Imagine an eight year old running and chasing a butterfly so far from home. It was wonderful at first but then the sun sets and I didn't know the way back. I was scared so I hugged myself and sat under the oak tree crying, yearning that my parents would find me and they did. Months after that incident, it simply became my place – to think, to rest, to play, to explore, and to dream. My parents accompanied me there until I learned the route back home and from then I've been going there alone. This place....this tree brings back so many memories.

I tied Orion's reigns to a nearby branch and I then sat down under my tree. It has grown since I last visited. I looked up and admired its glow under the moonlight. Its grandeur and beauty only brings me closer to home. I sighed looking down at my twitching fingers. After summer break, I'm leaving again. It's really painful to go especially with my heart so close to home. This is different from the city. The city is beautiful especially when its lights go on at night and its light glows upon the sea every time the sun rises and sets by your window, you can hear cars and people on the road, and you can smell fresh baked bread and experience at fancy restaurants or fast food diners but it was not as comforting as home.

I started climbing from one branch to another until I felt I was high enough to see the clearing's view. I closed my eyes, leaning my head at its trunk, feeling the cold breeze against my face. This is different but I love it because it makes me feel at ease. It makes me feel happy. It makes me feel more...... Me.

My reverie was interrupted by a rustling sound. My eyes darted open and I turned my head looking around for what disturbed me. Orion was whinnying and stomping. 'That's strange...' There was nothing and I relaxed. I closed my eyes again and sighed. 'I really should calm down. I don't need to stress myself; I mean I just got here!'

"Probably just some squirrels." I said calming myself.

"No, it was me." a cool deep voice corrected me. I opened my eyes once again and when I looked down, I found him intently staring at me with his soft eyes. Despite the looming shadows of the night, they shined and I felt a faint whisper pass my lips. "Blue."

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