"Figure it out, I'm busy," She said, hanging up the phone before I could answer. I rolled my eyes and got out the car.

"You need help," Cinad asked, getting out of his car and I nodded my head slightly embarrassed. I was planning to just walk and leave the car it was my mom problem anyways.

"You got a spare tire," He asked, and I shrugged my shoulders, he let out a chuckle shaking his head and walked to the trunk. We stared at each and I raised my eyebrow wondering what he was waiting for. He tapped the trunk with his finger tips signaling that he couldn't open it.

"Oh, sorry," I laughed, opening the driver car door, I pushed the button to pop the trunk. I looked down at my time and seen that I had to pick up Emoni and Mace from school in a minute.

"I got to pick up my little brother and sister from school across the street, is it okay if you work on that while I got get them," I asked, he don't really have a choice because I was going anyways. He nodded his head and grabbed the tire and car jack from his trunk and walked back to my car.

I walked across the street and went into the building signing out Mace and Emoni. I decided I wanted to go and get them out of class to see and hear from they teachers. The first stop was Mace class. I walked to Mace class and looked through the class window door.

The teacher seen me standing in the door and told the class to settle down before walking out coming to talk to me. "Hello, Ava. How's your mother," Mrs. Henderson asked.

"She's been better," I replied. Ms. Henderson was my elementary teacher and she was there for me when I was going through things at home with my mom. She was like a second my mom that's why I was happy Mace had her as a teacher because, she understood our difficult lifestyle.

"Do she take her meds regularly," She asked, and I nodded my head. I didn't want to think about my mom illness right now so I changed the conversation.

"How's Mace doing in school," I asked, and a smiled spread across her face.

"He's doing great, he's friendly and a happy vibrant child, his grades are good too," She laughed.

"That's good," I replied. I pointed towards the door telling her it was two kids wrestling around on the carpet.

She rolled her eyes and "I don't get paid enough dealing with they bad asses," She mumbled under her breath causing me to laugh.

"Stop by again or something, you still have my number," I nodded my head, and she rushed into the room telling them to stop and breaking it up.

Mace seen me and looked at the teacher wondering if he could go and she nodded her head.

"How was school," I asked, messing up his curly hair.

"Good, I got A plus on my spelling test," He smiled, pulling it out of his book bag to show me and I smiled and congratulated him. I walked to the other wing of the building where Emoni class was.

I walked to the class and seen that she had tears in her eyes. I furrowed my eyebrows wondering what was wrong with her. The teacher seen me and walked towards the door.

"What's wrong with Emoni," I asked, not letting her get a word out.

"Hello, and who are you again," Her teacher asked rudely. 

"Look here, Mrs. Violet I'm not in the mood for you today tell me why Emoni crying," I asked again but more stern.

"I don't know she cries over everything and need to toughen up some," She shrugged.

"See I would beat yo ass right here and right now but don't treat my sister badly or let peopled do it because, you have anger towards our mother because, your cheating ass husband couldn't keep his penis in his pants," I snapped, causing her to glare at me.

No Rose Without ThornsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz