6. A treasure found in the forbidden land

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Like him. 

‘’ Stop messing with someone’s gal, Drake. Don’t you have enough?’’ The quiet one turned to me. ‘’ I’m Stephen.’’ He said formally and then he bowed  low, a sign of respect. 

‘’ My name is Jane, My lady.. ‘’ The cold lady bowed too. I didn’t feel exactly comfortable though. I preferred the way the twins introduced themselves. They have this aura of coldness and hostility radiating off them. I didn’t like the foreboding feeling that rush through me as I look at Jane and the hostility I see in demeanor. I didn’t speak though and just crumpled the bad vibe. Never in my existence that I felt respected. 

No. I commanded myself as I felt my mind going to a flashback.

Xander cleared his throat and then circled his cold arms around my waist, pulling me closely. 

‘’ I think this is the time when I will say ‘’ Bella and I are gonna be great friends.’’ Dustin joked. I guess he got that from twilight, from Alice perhaps. ‘’ Pray tell pretty angel, We’re gonna be great friends yeah? ‘’

‘’ Of course! ‘’ I agreed instantly. 

‘’ Oh!! she’s nice!! I really like her!!! ‘’ He squealed to his twin,  Drake. 

‘’ Urgh!! Dustin stop harrasing my body!! You have your own!!! Only females are allowed! ‘’ Drake complained when his twin suddenly grabbed his shoulder and shake him. 

‘’. Gays.. ‘’ I heard Stephen mumbled to himself. 

I looked at Jane, who was still motionless and staring at space or to Xander?

Drake the gorgeous looking one, suddenly appearred in front of me and took my hand. I heard Xander growled. 

It’s okay Xander, so shush. I basically shouted in my mind, knowing that he will pick up what I said. 

Xander tsked under his tongue and kept quiet but still I could feel he was glaring at Drake.

‘’ Could you do me a favour?’ He asked me with a wink. His red eyes sparkling as he brought my hand closer to his lips. Then suddenly he looked at me as if he was in pain.I saw Xander roll his eyes. 

‘’Are you alright? ‘’ I asked him, worried. He looked really in pain. 

At first, Drake stiffened but he then shook his head and pouted a little. ‘’ I really have a bad day and it make me better if--

 ‘’uh-uh-uh!!!!! ‘’ Dustin cut off Drake from his speech as a result, Drake scowled in annoyance and turned to his brother.  I was about to ask what was it when Stephen spoke.

‘’ And it make me better if I see a pretty girl smile. That’s the continuation‘’ Stephen said flatly.

 ‘’ Drake is always in pain. But as long as he sees a pretty female he is energized. ‘’ Dustin said to me while nodding.

 Drake made a face to Dustin‘’ Shut up. ‘’ He hissed then turned to me with a bright charming smile. ‘’  So... would you smile for me? ‘’ Drake asked pleadingly, ignoring Stephen and his twin. ‘’Because I am dying to see a pretty angel smile. ‘’ He added and flashed me his puppy dog look eyes.

Angel. Pretty Angel. Beautiful. 

 Not ugly.. Not fat..


I smiled at Drake, loving his playboy attitude and their kindness to me. At first, I sensed that they stiffened again. Then suddenly Dustin yelled, breaking the awkward silence.

'' I have a joke guys!! '' He announced. '' What do you call a dinasour that when he sleeps? '' 

'' No spare time for your jokes oh-so funny jokes Dustin. '' Stephen said. 

'' Yeah... '' Drake awkwardly agreed. 

At that. Dustin pouted and turned to me pleadingly. '' I'd like to hear it! '' I said, almost like begging to hear it. 

Dustin, like a child, brightened up and said with too much enthusiasm when needed: '' DINASNORES!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA'' He laughed at his own joke. 

'' Hehe.. hehe.. '' I awkwardly joined him but as I looked at the rest, my laughter died. It wasn't that funny, really. 

‘’ GROUP HUG!!! GROUP HUG!!! ‘’ Dustin yelled again and came to me with open arms. Drake pushed him by the shoulder with force on the way to me but Dustin caught up immediately. It was Xander who hugged me first.  Their cold arms enveloped me tightly that I should have felt crowded and breathless. I didn’t. Their cold arms made me feel comfortable. I then felt Stephen and Jane joined the embrace and even saw Jane close to Xander and I thought I saw him stiffened. I brushed off what I saw though. The only thing I was thinking was that; I was a werewolf. But the funny thing was I found love and warmth in the cold arms of vampires. I found the thing I crave the most in the place I should keep away from.

It was a treasure found in the forbidden land.

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