The Craziest People are the Most Sane: 2

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Todoroki took a big breath as he walked into the mental hospital. He was going to visit his mother for the first time since she was first admitted. He was a little nervous, but brave enough to see her. That boy, Aka, gave him confidence and courage. It's your power! He remembered his words well. After asking the lady at the front desk about the room number, he went to the elevator. Todoroki's palms were sweaty, despite having an ice quirk in one arm. He walked out of the elevator as it dinged, signaling that he had reached his floor. Todoroki glanced in one of the rooms that had its door open. The first he saw had an old woman, frail and sickly looking. The second had a girl, short wavy hair and pale face. Her hair hung over her eyes and white clothes hanging loosely on her shoulders. She turned around and smiled at him. Her grin was somehow unnerving.

Todoroki walked on, not noticing the name plate beside the room's door. Yume Akane.


Midoriya held a bouquet of lilies as he walked along the pavement. Shoes clicking in rhythm, eyes glued to the floor, and tears stinging in his eyes. He reached a certain gravestone which had the name Midoriya Inko on it. He kneeled in front of it. "Hey mom," he said in a quiet voice. "It's been a while." Midoriya paused then laid the bouquet of flowers in front of the gravestone. Suddenly the tears ran faster down his face. "I know I've said this a million times, but I'm sorry. You must be so disappointed in me for being a villain. I was just so tired... After seeing them dead all over again each time..."

He wiped his eyes with his sleeves. "Hopefully, this time it'll work. Maybe in this reset, I can save them," Midoriya whispered, his voice cracking. "F*c*k*n* nerd, what're you blubbering about?" a voice growled. Midoriya turned his head. "Kacchan?" The other glared down at him. He glanced at the lilies then back at Midoriya. Remembering that he was bawling his eyes out, Midoriya quickly wiped furiously at his eyes. "W-What are you doing here?" he mumbled, bending his head low. Bakugou grunted then waved the bouquet of carnations. "My mom wanted me to 'pay my respects'," Bakugou explained with a scowl. Midoriya nodded then stood up. "I see. I'll leave then," he said softly. The greenish black haired boy walked away briskly to avoid any more contact with his childhood friend.

Bakugou laid the carnations down. "D*mn nerd. I can't even yell at him for crying like a baby," he grumbled. He saw the shadows under Midoriya's eyes. The paleness. The look of a broken man. Sometimes Midoriya seemed older than he actually was. Too old. He remembered it clearly; Midoriya was always so wimpy. A pushover. Bakugou didn't know when Midoriya had gotten to look so disturbed, despite knowing him since kindergarten. Most would deduce it to have happened after Midoriya's mother's death, but Bakugou knew better. He remembered Midoriya's state after his mother's death. He had gotten less sleep and more bandages than usual, probably because he wasn't in the right state of mind after his mother passed on. But Midoriya wasn't as broken as he looked now. It was wondrous how much a person could change in a day.


Todoroki had made up with his mother and promised to visit her again as soon as possible. He walked down the hallway again, towards the elevator. Right as he was about to press the button for the elevator, it made a dinging noise and opened. Out walked a boy, about his age, with greenish black hair and freckles. The boy glanced at him and smiled politely. Todoroki unconsciously nodded back. The boy strode past him and Todoroki watched as he entered the room where the creepy girl was kept. He stared at where the boy had once stood. The red/white haired boy couldn't help but feel like he had met him before. But where?

Todoroki dismissed the thought and entered the elevator. He had more important things to worry about, like the Yuuei Sports Festival.

Midoriya walked quietly into Akane's room. "What a coincidence. You met the same guy you tried to kill/save here," Akane remarked. Midoriya ignored the comment and sat in the chair beside her bed. "I know I've asked you this before, but," he paused. "Why? Each and every reset has ended the same way."

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