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The day it all started was a Friday.
"Try to keep up!" Clarissa shouted from ahead.
I ducked my head in embarrassment and hurried to catch up with the rest of the group.
Jared, my long time crush(and best friend) gave me an odd look as I fell into step beside him.
"Why are you so laggy today?" He joked, bumping me with his elbow.
I ducked my head again, it was a nervous habit of mine and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't stop it.
"I don't know." I said, feeling my cheeks grow warm as my words came out louder than I meant and half of the group turned to look at me. "This place is weird."
The place we were in was a forest, near our hometown of Dublin. The forest had been Clarissa's idea, as were many of the group activities.
Clarissa is the sort of person who had a solid bunch of friends that seems to grow every time I see her. Which is often, considering that we're cousins.
There's not much Clarissa and I share, besides family members. She is the outgoing, blonde haired blue eyed go-getter of the family, And I'm the introvert who likes to read. 
In other words...hiking is not something I do often.
As I'm lost in thought, I didn't realize that the rest of the group has stopped. Which makes me bump into Jared's back.
"Sorry." I mumble and look down at my feet, ducking my head once again.
The group moves forward again and I do my best to keep up, but I get sidetracked by something else.
Making sure that no one is looking, I step of the path and squint into the distance, I could've sworn I saw a... There! A bird, a very large bird, a Raven. I go to turn back around, but the group is gone, I blink and when I open my eyes, the forest is gone too.
Now I'm surrounded by an open field, there are mountains all around me and the grass is the color of gold.
My heart starts to pound, where am I?
I turn around in a circle, the same view awaits everywhere I look.
But then I spot it, a boy, standing pretty far away from me. A dark smudge in the middle of the golden field. There's something next to him, something just as light as he is dark. My head starts to pound as he stares at me. I take a step back, but my foot slips and before I know it, my world is fading out into darkness.

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