Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Another day, another stupid rehearsal. I was seriously hating being in this play so bad. I hated staying after school longer than I had to.

We were waiting for the rehearsal to officially start, which was at three o'clock. Kamille was sitting beside me, scrolling through something on her phone. "Ooh!" she said suddenly. "Got it!"

"Got what?" I asked.

She turned to face me, giving me a smile. "Why should you be suspicious of stairs?"

I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

"Why should you be suspicious of stairs?" she asked. "Because they're always up to something."

"I don't get it."

Kamille sighed and leaned back in her chair. "I'm trying to make you smile, because you apparently don't smile."

"You're still on that?" I asked. "I don't smile. Get over it."

"I will make you smile," she said. "Hey, what did one eye say to the other? Something smells between us." I raised an eyebrow. "Get it? Because the nose?"

"Yeah, I got it, it just isn't funny," I said.

Kamille frowned before looking at her phone again. I didn't care what she said. She wasn't going to make me smile.

"I swear, I didn't do it," a voice suddenly said as the doors opened. I chuckled a bit seeing who was there. My best friend, Taylor. He went on vacation for a bit and it was his first day back.

"You didn't?" the principal asked. "Really? Because I'm pretty sure you were the one who hacked the school system to change your class to Gaming 101. And your punishment is to help paint the sets for the play."

Taylor groaned before walking in the room. He looked at me, his eyebrow raised. "What are you in here for?" he asked.

"You make it sound like it's detention," Nick spoke up.

"It is," I said. "And to answer your question, I'm in here for releasing scorpions into the school."

"See, that's a reason to be in here," Taylor said. "Changing my class to Gaming 101 isn't dangerous, unlike scorpions."

I shrugged. "Have fun painting sets," I said. "Nick's doing it to, so just let him do all the work."

"You know, I would normally refuse, but set design involves art, so I'm fine doing all the work," Nick said. "I bet everyone will mess things up for me."

Taylor sat on the other side of the Nick. "Still arrogant with your art, huh?"

"It's not being arrogant if I'm just good at it and everyone else isn't," Nick said.

I rolled my eyes as Kamille randomly hit my shoulder, looking excited. "Ow," I said sarcastically, since it didn't really hurt.

"Sorry, but I have one," she said. "Why did the cow cross the road? To get to the udder side."

That didn't work.

She frowned. "Seriously?" She then noticed Taylor sitting there. "Hey, Taylor, how hard is it to make Munro smile?"

"Very hard," Taylor said. "Corny jokes don't work."

"Then what does?" Kamille asked.

Taylor shrugged. "Dunno."

"See?" I said. "You're not going to make me smile, because I don't smile."

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