Chapter 11; Rebelling

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Kylo's POV

I woke up in the same medical bed I'd found myself in twice before- I was seriously starting to hate this room

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I woke up in the same medical bed I'd found myself in twice before- I was seriously starting to hate this room.
I looked down, seeing my ribs were unbandaged- I saw a glint of metal through the wound. Bar a dull ache, the area was numb.
'Lord Ren, you're awake' the nurse who I now knew on a first name basis after the many times I'd ended up here, Ciara, came over.
'What happened?' I asked, head somewhat groggy from whatever painkillers I was on. I heard a woman screaming in the distance, and frowned though I didn't know why it bothered me.
'You broke two of your ribs. We had to put two metal splints in to keep the shards of bone piercing your lungs, but you were lucky, no organ damage, and the bleeding stopped on its own' Ciara messed around with apparatus in the corner. Well, that explained the metal then.
'How long till I can leave?' I vaguely realised, this was somewhat unlike me, that normally I'd just leave whenever I wanted regardless of the nurses advice- and on Snoke's wishes. Although, Snoke's demanding me to ignore their advice had sent me back here twice, so maybe it was wise to stay the full time this time...
Ciara peered at a clipboard, before replying;
'Your ribs need some time to settle down, but since you weren't active before today you will be fine to leave once the morphine wears off. We'll give you another dose before you leave so it's numbed. Please, no more arguing with the scavenger... She may have saved you last time but you seem prone to injuring yourself around her'
'Noted' I replied, slowly coming back to my senses, then on a command from Ciara, I sat up so she could bandage my side.
Once she was done, I grabbed a grey-black vest and long black hooded cape from one of the cabinets on wheels, putting both on but being careful not to over exert my side again.
The woman's scream sounded again- NOW I realised why it bothered me!
'Rey...' I growled, swinging my feet off the bed and standing.
'Lord Ren...' Ciara started, then stopped. I raised an eyebrow at her, she gave me an exasperated look.
'If you come back here with more broken ribs I'm not even going to try correcting them' she made a resigned sigh, waving her hands.
'I'm not making any promises' I remarked, before storming out of the room, back to Rey's cell.
Inside, I saw her, still tied to the frame but it had been lowered so it lay flat, Rey's chest and arms were bare and covered in blood, she only wore her shorts and boots- her robes and clothes had been thrown onto the floor. Over her Hux stood, torturing her...
'Hux! Get off her...' I growled, Hux turned, but only smirked and carried on creating deep burns and cuts across her torso with his red dagger as she screamed.
'Lord Ren. So you've recovered? The Supreme Lea-' his words were cut off as I dashed forwards and dragged him off Rey, shoving him hard enough to send him flying into the wall, I stood between the two.
'Leave her alone... She did what we wished!' Fury threatened to overwhelm me, behind me Rey whimpered softly, crying to herself.
'You so readily break the commands of the Supreme Leader?' He hissed, picking himself back up.
'I don't give a shit what he said Hux. Keep your filthy hands away from her' I glared daggers at Hux, unable to hide my anger at what he'd done.
'Snoke was right... You DO have compassion for her. He WILL hear of this treachery' Hux sneered, though I knew he was intimidated by me.
'Say a word to Snoke I'll make you bleed' I hissed, pacing forwards and making him take several steps towards the door.
'You reek of fear' I smirked at him, then force shoved him backwards.
'Watch your step Ren... This isn't the end of this' Hux snarled, then pursed his lips, turned tail, and almost ran out the room.

I turned back to Rey, swiftly untying the restraints. I shrugged off my cape, that grim monster had torn her shirt completely; I averted my eyes and wrapped her up in the black fabric so her modesty was regained.
'Are you ok?' I asked, lifting her off the frame. She whimpered, then passed out in my arms. I had no idea how long she'd been tortured for, and whilst I reflected I'd snapped and hurt her last time I'd interrogated her, the fact she'd been tortured and now had hundreds of small, vicious wounds to show for it- by Hux no less- made me insanely furious and want to stop it happening to her.
The majority of her wounds spanned her arms, chest and torso, though two horrible looking burned cuts sliced her right cheek. Huh... Now she almost matched me...
I carried her down the hall, passing Hux and Phasma talking to each other. Both stopped and stared at me as I walked past.
I ducked into the medical room, placing her on the spare bed, sitting back onto my own bed and watching as Ciara removed the cape, inhaling sharply at what she saw.
'Hux did this?' She asked quietly. I affirmed, and she cursed to herself.
I slid the door shut, allowing for some degree of privacy for Rey. He petite body was lightly toned, though I averted my gaze away from her bare chest, now watching the monitor she'd just been attached to. Stinging in my ribs made me realise the dull ache had returned- the morphine must have worn off faster from the adrenaline. I ignored it, it wasn't particularly bad yet, it could wait.
Ciara looked up as another female nurse entered the room, closing the door behind her.
'Ah. Lord Ren, you're awake.' She greeted me, before moving past and joining Ciara. I listened to their conversation; they talked of what they needed to operate on Rey's worst injuries and to dress the ones that wouldn't need it. My vision faded and I saw the face of Snoke;
'Kylo Ren... Report to me immediately' in my head, I heard him talk. My vision returned to normal. I sighed... Fucking Hux... Although, Hux had been in the hall. Eh, still his fault, no doubt.
I stood, supporting myself against the bed as the sudden movement made me dizzy. The sensation passed, and I moved to leave.
'Ren, we need to give you a second dose.' Ciara looked up from what she was doing- dressing the lesser injuries on Rey's arm with a strange looking creme and bandages.
'I'd rather have my head clear for the time being... I'll return for it later' I definitely didn't want a groggy mind betraying something I didn't want the 'Supreme Leader' to know.
'As you wish.' They returned to what they were doing as I left, heading for my quarters to change into more appropriate attire before my confrontation with Snoke.

Not too much later, I stood in the wide, open room Snoke's hologram resided in. To my right, Hux made a pointed show of ignoring my presence, and near the door Phasma stood guard.
The hologram flickered into life with a crackling buzz.
'Supreme Leader I did as you requested when Ren-' Snoke waved his hand, cutting off Hux's attempt to drop me in it. The little Bitch...
'I am aware of the events of today, General Hux' Hux bit back on his tongue, composing himself. I gave an inward smirk at his expense.
'You have convinced the scavenger, at last to join us?' Snoke peered towards me, twisted face leering.
'Yes master' I kept my responses decidedly short- to say the wrong thing right now after what I'd done would be suicide.
'I anticipate, your actions will make her more likely to trust you... Yet you disobeyed my order... She was to be punished- her punishment is not complete.' I glared up at Snoke.
'That was not punishment fit for her actions' Hux looked at me incredulously- after all, I'd just talked back to the leader of the First Order...
'Oh? Well... As your master, and Supreme Leader... I decided otherwise. But as you seem so fit to argue, you will take her remaining punishment...' I looked up, fear bolting through me. Hux stared at me with a carefully guarded expression, as Snoke raised his hand towards me. Pain erupted throughout my entire body, I collapsed onto my good side, writhing as the severe, fire like pain scorched through my veins- every nerve ending screamed. I refused to let myself scream, to do that in front of Snoke would be a big mistake... I bared my teeth, growling, holding onto the shreds of sanity I still had just to stop my screams. After a few agonisingly long minutes, Snoke lowered his hand, the pain stopped. He narrowed his eyes at me- he'd wanted me to break, but I hadn't. Years of training by his hand had built up my endurance to pain- I learned to suffer in silence (for the most part... Though the wounds on my face and ribs I just couldn't stop myself from screaming).
Hux glared at me, Snoke had rid him of his 'fun'- but he'd have never dared blame Snoke. What with Snoke being my master, I was able to get away with more, a fact Hux despised.
'You will begin her training the day after tomorrow. Prepare her for this. Captain Phasma will oversee your first session' Phasma... That meant he didn't trust me; he wanted to keep a close eye on us. His previous words echoed inside my head 'you have compassion for her...' Snoke was beginning to ponder, what exactly our connection was... I'd have to make sure he had no reason to doubt in me.
'Kylo Ren... You may leave.' I have a slight nod, then left. My ribs throbbed, but considering how much I'd been moving a few seconds ago I was grateful they weren't worse... I stepped past Phasma as she walked up towards where Hux stood- I didn't like that he'd wanted them both to stay, but me leave... Snoke was planning something... I could feel it.

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