Chapter 14 - Final Chapter

Start from the beginning

"Well, you can start on your work, here." She gave you about four pages of paper and you sat at the back of the classroom. You set to work on it, zooming through the simple questions. You finished with 10 minutes left of class, and Mrs Finlay let you out early. You waited outside the science lab you were using that lesson, and waited patiently. About a minute after the bell went, Mrs Finlay zoomed past with supplies for the lesson. She was your Science and Maths teacher, which was a good thing, as she was really energetic and fun to be around.

You walked into the classroom, and the disgusting stench of... Something hit your nose.

"Oh my god Y/N the way you reacted to that was amazing!" Mrs Finlay said. You realised that you had crinkled up your nose and mouth in disgust.

"What is it, Miss?"

"Frogs. We are dissecting frogs."


"Shh, they are sleeping." She said with a giggle.

"That's gross, Miss."

"Sorry." She bowed her head in mock shame. "That I'm so amazingly disgusting!" She raised her arms in triumph.

"Uuuuuggggghhhhhhh." You groaned.

"Okay, where is the rest of your slowpoke class?"

"There is no one in my Science class from my Maths so they will be a few minutes."

"That is not good enough! Bad codes for them all!" She said, laughing. You joined in with her laughter. You settled down into your seat and waited for the rest of your class to come. Once they arrived, you put your lab coats and glasses on, along with gloves. You went through the dissection easily. It was time for recess, so you headed to the library.

"Hey, dork!" Someone shouted from behind you. You started to pick up your pace, walking a little faster.

"Don't ignore me!" They shouted again. You started to walk faster.

"You're in for it!" You full-on ran to the library, not planning to stop anytime soon. You managed to get to the library just before whoever it was caught up to you. You burst though the door, heart racing in your chest. You went straight to the back of the library, picking up a book, and began to read. You read for the whole of recess.

It was Period 4, time for Technology. The best subject in the world (sarcasm intended). You got through about half the class, when your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pulled it out, and read the text Dan had sent you.

'Get home, quickly.' You suddenly stood up and ran out of the classroom, not even questioning what he wanted. You ran out of the school grounds and down the street, in the direction of the apartments. You felt very out of breath but you pushed through it, determined to get home quickly.

You burst through the apartment door and up the steps. You burst into your house, searching desperately for the boys. You darted upstairs to Pj's room, and were greeted by quite the scene.

Phil was standing, crying. Dan was calling... Someone. And Pj, well, Pj wasn't looking too fresh. He had cut long, deep and many times into both arms, and there was lots of blood.

Blood, blood everywhere.

You figured out that Dan was calling the ambulance. You walked over to Phil and gave him a massive hug, the shock of the moment sinking in. You felt the familiar tingle in your nose and eyes, but you didn't let yourself cry. You had to hold it together, for Phil.

He had his glasses on, and they were fogging up. You took them off and he hugged you tight, pulling you close.

"Come out here, Phil. We don't need to be in this room." It shattered you to leave Pj for even a second, but you knew you had to do it for Phil.

"Yes, yes, thank you so much." Dan said, walking out of the room. He walked into the kitchen, and came out 30 seconds later with a damp tea towel. You kept clamped onto Phil's torso, while his body was shaking with sobs. You kissed him on the cheek, and he smiled a little at your gesture. You heard sirens in the distance, and knew the ambulance we not far away. You let go of Phil and grabbed his hand, dragging him downstairs. You went to the ground floor of the apartment to show the ambulance officers where to go.

You ran up the stairs with them close behind, and burst through your apartment door. You rushed up to Pj's room and they ran in. You clung onto Phil, and he started crying again. All four of you were incredibly close, and losing one of you would affect everyone. Yourself, Dan and Phil rode in the back of the ambulance.

Dan had his hand on Phil's knee for comfort, and Phil had his head resting on Dan's shoulder. Anyone that didn't know them would think that they were a couple, but you knew they were so close that they felt comfortable like this.

You arrived at the hospital, and Pj was rushed to the emergency department. You, Dan and Phil sat in the waiting room. About three hours after you had arrived, a doctor came out into the waiting room, allowing for you to see him. You rushed over to the doctor, Dan and Phil following close behind.

You walked into Pj's hospital room. You sat in a chair next to Phil beside the bed, and Dan stood next to Phil. After about half an hour of hushed talking and nurses darting in and out of the room, Pj woke up.

"Pj!" You exclaimed. He smiled a fake smile, causing your heart to break.

"Y/N?" He asked, his voice barely a whisper.

"Yes, Pj, I'm here."

"We're here too." Dan said.

"Why would you guys come here? I'm a useless, worthless shit. You shouldn't care for me."

"But we do, Pj. Isn't that what matters?"

Pj's breaths started drawing out into long, shallow ones.

"Shit, Pj, no!" You cried, terrified of the inevitable. You heard a sniffle from beside you, and gentle, soothing whispers. Pj smiled a little, the true light of when you first met him appearing for the first time in months, and last time in forever, once more.

"Y/N, I love you, with all my heart and soul and strength." His smile brightened a little, hardly noticeable. "Also, I win. I made you swear." There was silence in the room.

"Bye, my loved ones, I will miss you."

"This is not goodbye, Pj. Just a see you soon." You said, tears finally shedding and falling down your face. He closed his eyes and his breathing slowed down to a halt, and you leaned over the bed, proceeding to hug his, now lifeless, body.

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